The diabetes is a set of metabolism disorders whose main common characteristic is the presence of elevated blood glucose concentrations chronically because the body cannot regulate the amount of sugar in the blood through insulin.
Types of Diabetes
The insulin It is a hormone that is produced in the pancreas and is responsible for transporting glucose to muscles, fat and liver cells to be used as energy for the body or stored. When food is digested, it is transformed and part becomes energy, glucose, and if the pancreas does not produce enough insulinthe cells do not respond correctly to insulin or both, diabetes appears.
There are several types:
– Type 1 diabetes: in which the body produces little or no insulin because the cells of the pancreas that are responsible for generating it stop working. The cause is unknown. It is usually diagnosed more frequently in children, adolescents and young adults, although it can appear at any age and requires daily insulin injections.
– type 2 diabetes: in this case The pancreas does generate insulin but the body is resistant to it and does not use it effectively. This type of diabetes is very common and is generally diagnosed in adults, although there are more and more cases of children and adolescents with this type due to obesity and a sedentary lifestyle.
– Gestational diabetes: occurs in pregnancy in women who are not diabetic who have high blood glucose levels.
Traditionally, diabetes is associated with appearance of complications in many organic systems, the most evident being:
– The loss of sightwhich can lead to blindness.
– Kidney involvement with progressive functional deterioration, which may require dialysis and transplant.
– Involvement of blood vessels which can go so far as to mean the loss of lower extremities (see diabetic vasculopathy).
– Possible heart problems with coronary heart disease and acute myocardial infarction. ·
– He brain involvement and of the intestinal irrigationl.
– Affects in the peripheral and autonomic nervous system.
It is one of the diseases that is most difficult to cope with, both individually and for public health in general.
Causes of Diabetes
It is usually accompanied by abnormalities in the metabolism of lipids, proteins, mineral salts and electrolytes.
Diabetes can be caused by several main causes:
– Defect in insulin production.
– Resistance to its action to use glucose.
– Increase in glucose production.
– Combination of several of these causes.
It is usually accompanied by abnormalities in the metabolism of lipids, proteins, mineral salts and electrolytes.
Diabetes Mellitus
The main symptoms of diabetes mellitus are:
· Excessive urine production.
– Abnormal increase in the need to eat.
– Increased thirst.
– Weight loss for no apparent reason.
There is no single method to diagnose diabetes. Normally, It is necessary to repeat each test a second time to make a good diagnosisalthough if the doctor determines that the patient has very high blood glucose or classic symptoms of high glucose, in addition to a positive test, a second test may not be necessary.
What is diabetes? | Types, symptoms, causes and how to treat the disease
Types of tests:
– A1C . The A1C test measures the average blood glucose level over the past 2 to 3 months. Diabetes is diagnosed when:
A1C ≥ 6.5%.
– Fasting plasma glucose. This test measures the level of glucose in the blood when the patient is fasting. Fasting means not eating or drinking anything (except water) for at least 8 hours before the exam. Diabetes is diagnosed when:
Fasting plasma glucose ≥ 126 mg/dl
– Oral glucose tolerance test. This is a two-hour test that measures your blood glucose level before drinking a special sweet drink and 2 hours after drinking it. The result shows how the body processes glucose. Diabetes is diagnosed when:
Blood glucose at 2 hours ≥ 200 mg/dl
– Random (or casual) plasma glucose testing. This test is a blood test at any time of the day when there are symptoms of severe diabetes. Diabetes is diagnosed when:
Blood glucose ≥ 200 mg/dl
Diabetes Treatment
Depending on whether it is type 1, 2 or gestational
The goal that pursues any treatment of diabetes – be it type 1, 2 or gestational – is restore normal glycemic levels. In the type 1 diabetes and gestational diabetes applies a insulin replacement therapy or insulin analogues.
In the type 2 diabetes can apply a insulin replacement treatment or analoguesor a treatment with oral antidiabetics. Once the treatment is underway, it is necessary to perform a test called glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c or A1c).
To control the disease, it is essential adequately train the patient and his environment nearest you so you know how to change harmful habits. Typically, the treatment consists of the following equation:
Medication + diet + physical exercise
When a patient is at risk of developing diabetes, they may be able to prevent or delay it. Most of the things you need to do involve a healthier lifestyle. ·
– Lose weight and keep it off. It is possible to avoid or delay diabetes by losing five to 10 percent of your current weight.
– Follow a healthy eating plan. It is important to reduce the amount of calories we consume daily.
– Exercise frequently. Exercise is basic for health. If the patient does not normally do sports, they must follow a gradual pattern to gradually incorporate the habit of exercise. ·
– No smoking. Being addicted to cigarettes is harmful in many ways and can contribute to insulin resistance, which can lead to type 2 diabetes.
The data
The incidence of Type 2 diabetes is on the rise worldwide and achieves the classification of epidemic according to the World Health Organization (WHO). In 2010, an estimated 285 million people suffered from it and accounted for nearly 90% of all diabetes cases. Currently, it is estimated that this figure has grown to affect 347 million people. Diabetes is common throughout the world, but it affects developed countries more.
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