Nuria Ocaña resolves this doubt after frequent related to the Inheritance and Donations Tax
Behind him death of a persontheir heirs must carry out several bureaucratic procedures and deal with the so -called succession and donations tax.
There are many doubts regarding this tax. One of them is about the amount to pay. The truth is that this depends on several factors such as the value of the goods received, the degree of kinship with the deceased or even the autonomous community where it resided.
Another of the most repeated issues is whether the inheritance taxes can be charged in a bank account. The Family Lawyer Nuria Ocaña has answered this question in a video Posted in your Tiktok profile.
Can the Inheritance and Donations Tax be charged to the Bank Account of the deceased?
The lawyer Nuria Ocaña explains if the Inheritance and Donations Tax can be charged in the deceased account. The expert has been very clear: «Yeah. You can perfectly load both the inheritance tax and the Plusvalías mortis cause of goods».
The professional indicates that those who are “In an inheritance situation” It is important that they contact a good lawyer to help them manage all the procedures and have no problem.
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