A few days ago, the Palencia Civil Guard intercepted a vehicle during a routine check after observing that one of the occupants was not wearing a seat belt. They occurred in the early morning of Saturday, November 16 in the vicinity of Mantinos.
Subsequently, the agents verified that the car had an expired MOT and lacked a valid insurance policy, so they carried out a search of the vehicle. where they found a deer head hidden in the trunk and with recent signs of blood, a night vision scope and several flashlights were also located, which could show that they were poachers.
How much is the fine for these events?
Firstly, not wearing a seat belt carries a fine of 200 euros, to which must be added the withdrawal of 4 points from your driving license if you are the driver. On the other hand, driving with an expired ITV is a serious infraction according to the DGT, for which the fine amounts to up to 200 euros, in addition, not having a mandatory insurance policy. means a penalty of between 601 and 3,005 eurosdepending on the type of vehicle.
Finally, in the case reported in the previous lines, the Benemérita agents transferred the head of the deer to the environmental agents, who will establish the corresponding sanction for the driver.
How should a dog travel in the car?

The DGT specifies that under no circumstances can a dog be found loose in the passenger compartment of the vehicle, since it poses a great danger to the driver and the rest of the passengers of the vehicle, as well as, If the Civil Guard detects it, the penalty can reach up to 1,000 euros.
For this reason, the General Directorate of Traffic specifies that the dog must traveling with a harness with one or two hooks to the seat belt if it is on the seats or positioned inside a carrier, which, like the one intended for cats, can be placed on the floor or in the trunk. It should be noted that a type of safety restraint will be used depending on the size of the dog.
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