A court endorses that the PSOE suspended Joaquín Leguina from militancy for supporting Ayuso

A Madrid court has dismissed the lawsuit that Joaquín Leguina, the last socialist president of the Community of Madrid, filed against the PSOE and several of its leaders after his precautionary expulsion for expressly supporting Isabel Díaz Ayuso. Leguina, promoted by the PP to the presidency of the Chamber of Accounts of Madrid where he also placed his wife, demanded compensation of thousands of euros for his suspension from militancy and the ruling concludes that his public expressions in favor of Ayuso and against his own party “can be considered, reasonably, as a manifestation of disloyalty to the party and contrary to electoral interests.”

The PSOE decided to file charges against Leguina in 2021 and suspend him from militancy at the end of 2022. The reason was his explicit support for Isabel Díaz Ayuso, president of the Community of Madrid for the Popular Party, which at that time was running in the Madrid elections. Both Leguina and other former PSOE leaders even participated in a campaign event with Ayuso in the town of Leganés.

The relationship between Leguina, president of the Community of Madrid for the PSOE between 1983 and 1995, with Isabel Díaz Ayuso went up a notch when he was named president of the Madrid Chamber of Accounts with an annual salary of more than 100,000 euros. A few months after having changed the law and modifying the majorities necessary to appoint the members of this entity, dedicated to supervising the accounts of the regional administration. Leguina, as elDiario.es revealed, took his wife as secretary to his new position.

Court 68 of Madrid, after rejecting Leguina’s request for precautionary measures months ago, has endorsed the existence of this file within the PSOE against him. The ruling explains that his statements those days in favor of Ayuso “could be considered indicatively as acts of political communication or propaganda”, acts that “are in contradiction with the electoral interests of the PSOE.”

That the party opened a file and suspended her from membership, the court adds, did not violate her fundamental rights since it did not prevent Isabel Díaz Ayuso from voting, but rather prevented her from “simply not carrying out acts of propaganda, political or public communication to a candidate.” from another party.” His support for the rival candidate, the court adds, in the face of his “negative, hostile and hurtful” opinion about the PSOE, can be considered “as a manifestation of disloyalty to the party and contrary to electoral interests.”

“Criticism, legitimate and necessary, of possible decisions by party bodies or to highlight deficiencies in democratic functioning, when it is public, must be loyal to the party to which one belongs,” settles the sentence that Leguina can still appeal. . The file opened against him does not only include his support for Ayuso that year. Also when he referred to Pedro Sánchez as a “pod” or an “opportunist” or when he described the Trans law as a “total and absolute disaster.”

#court #endorses #PSOE #suspended #Joaquín #Leguina #militancy #supporting #Ayuso

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