Every year, Spain receives hundreds of thousands of immigrants seeking to build a better future. For historical and linguistic reasons, many of them come from South American countries such as Colombia, Venezuela or Ecuador. Cultural similarities partly facilitate integration, but contrasts always exist and sometimes generate discomfort.
An example of this is the TikTok user @castrofernanda32a Colombian who has lived in Spain for several years and is dedicated to showing her daily life as a mother and migrant on social media. In a recent video, the user talks about the Spanish customs that she does not like, although she clarifies from the beginning that “there are not many.”
Among the aspects he mentions, the habit of smoking stands out, which he considers invasive in certain contexts. “Sometimes they don’t respect,” he explains, referring to situations in which people light cigarettes or marijuana near children in public spaces. “I am an adult, but we have to respect that there is a child,” she comments in a critical tone.
He regrets the limitations in educating his son
Another aspect that is complicated is the Spanish perception of raising children. She recognizes that this point may be controversial and tries to explain her perspective as a Colombian mother. “Here they interfere too much in the upbringing of children,” he says. She points out that in Spain she cannot physically reprimand her son, something that, according to her, is part of the customs in her country. “I understand respectful parenting,” he says, but he believes that, on certain occasions, it is necessary to give “his good pats.”
Another point that is uncomfortable is the smell in some public spaces. Fernanda remembers her experience upon arriving in Palma de Mallorca and using public transport. According to him, the smells inside the buses were unpleasant. “It’s not everyone, but it seems that there are people who don’t smell the smells,” he comments, emphasizing that his criticism is not intended to generalize, but rather to point out a specific experience.
Despite the differences, the user emphasizes that her experience in Spain has been mostly positive and that these details are minor issues. His intention in sharing these observations, he says, is to show the realities of life abroad, without falling into stereotypes or unjustified complaints. “There are good things and bad things, like in all countries,” he concludes in his video.
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