The Government will soon approve an additional increase in the 0.5% in the salary of more than three million civil servants, with retroactive effects from January 1, 2024, under the framework agreement for the 21st Century Administration signed with the CCOO and UGT unions for the period 2022-2024.
Adding this 0.5% to the 2% increase in the salaries of public employees in 2024, the total remuneration increase for said year will reach 2.5%.
The third vice president of the Government and Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, said at the time that this additional increase of 0.5%, which was conditional on the evolution of inflation, would be approved this January, but referring to the year 2024. .
Specifically, the Government signed with these two unions a salary increase for public employees of 2% for 2024, plus an additional 0.5% if the sum of the variation in the harmonized CPI for 2022, 2023 and 2024 exceeded the fixed salary increase. applied during said years (8%).
According to data from the National Institute of Statistics (INE), the IPCA for 2022 was 5.5%, while that of 2023 ended at 3.3%, and that of 2024 ended at 2.8%. , far exceeding the limit established to apply that additional 0.5% increase.
Thus, The Council of Ministers will soon have to approve that additional 0.5% so that the salary of public employees increases by 2.5% in 2024 as a whole.
This figure is three tenths lower than the inflation figure with which 2024 closed, which was 2.8%, as confirmed this Wednesday by the National Institute of Statistics (INE).
Under the 2022-2024 framework agreement, the total salary revaluation of public employees in these years will be 9.5%. In real terms, the revaluation can be up to 9.8%, given that salary increases are consolidated in salaries.
Specifically, the salary of the more than three million civil servants increased by 3.5% in 2022, rose another 3.5% in 2023 and will increase by 2.5% in 2024 once the additional increase of 0 is applied. 5% that will soon be approved by the Council of Ministers.
The unions want the increase “as soon as possible”
In a joint statement, CCOO and UGT, signatories of the framework agreement with the Government, have urged public administrations to apply this additional increase “as soon as possible”, while calling on the Executive to begin negotiations for a new agreement that advance “in essential areas such as employment, rights and remuneration” to improve the working conditions of public employees.
The unions have recalled that this increase of 0.5% additional and consolidated will be effective once the agreement of the Council of Ministers is published in the Official State Gazette (BOE). Likewise, they have highlighted that this increase is applicable to the salaries in force as of December 31, 2023 and with it, the salary commitments of the framework agreement are completed.
Precisely, “because of the stability that comes with reaching agreements for the proper functioning of the Administration,” Both unions urge the Government to immediately begin negotiating a new pact that allows continued progress in the modernization of the Administration and that guarantees not only better working conditions for civil servants, but also a Public Service that responds to the needs of citizens.
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