At half-time of a great game played by a packed Barça, Paco González, from Cope, said: “Four at half-time can be eight at the end.” It referred to the goals scored by Barça (1-4) and was the symptom of a Madrid conception of accounting. For a culé, winning 1-4 at half-time with the game shown yesterday provides a pleasure that is difficult to transfer to a hypothetical second half. The intimate desire of a minimally Barcelona orthodoxy mandates maintaining confidence and enthusiasm and projecting it as the type of statement that we like to demonstrate when, in a stadium designed by the mercenary and dark side of the industry and in front of a largely hostile public, the victory It becomes an indescribable pleasure. But, in parallel, there is a fatalistic fire that burns and makes us imagine an accumulation of misfortunes that could degenerate who knows whether into a tie or, worse still, a defeat.
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