As of January 1, 2025, Spain had 20,519 licenses for passenger vehicles with drivers (VTC), which means that during 2024 these licenses increased by 1,426 units, 7.5% more than those registered at the end of 2023. While , taxi licenses increased by 1,415 units, 11 less than VTC licenses.
According to the data from the general registry of the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agendathis increase in VTC licenses occurs after the increase of 6.8% in 2023, 1% in 2022 and also 6.8% during 2021 and after its rise was practically paralyzed in 2020 after the strong increases in previous years, which were 26% in 2019 and 96% in 2018.
In parallel with the increase in the number of VTC licenses, taxi services grew by 2.3%with those 1,415 new authorizations, up to 62,398 licenses. In 2023 they increased by 4.3%, while in 2022 they decreased by 8.7% and in 2021 they had increased by 0.6%.
After this increase in taxi and VTC licenses, the proportion drops to one VTC for every 3 taxiscompared to the one to 30 ratio previously established by law so that new licenses could be granted, a requirement that has been declared contrary to European Law by the Luxembourg Court. This would mean that there would be 18,439 licenses left over.
The Community of Madrid concentrates 45.3% of the licenses that would exceed the proportion of one for every 30 taxis throughout Spain, since in that autonomy there would be 8,361 VTC licenses left over. Specifically, in Madrid there are 15,754 taxi authorizations and 8,886 VTCs, which means that the proportion is one VTC for every 1.8 taxis.
Even so, the VTC sector defends that the number of taxis and VTC per 100 inhabitants in Madrid is three times less than that of other cities in Europe, such as London or Paris, there being a deficit of both services, already expressed by the Madrid residents on different occasions, especially at the time of holding concerts, festivals or sporting events.
Behind Madrid, Catalonia and Andalusia are the communities where the number of licenses would exceed the most. In Catalonia there would be 3,320 surplus licenses18% of the total, and 3,331 in Andalusia, 18.1% of the total.
Regarding the proportion, La Rioja is the one that is closest to Madrid with a proportion of 2.3 taxis for every VTC, followed by Andalusia with one VTC for every 2.5 taxis and Cantabria with a proportion of 1 for every 3. They are followed by the Balearic Islands (3.3), Catalonia (3.5) , Navarra (3.5), Extremadura (4.1), Valencian Community (4.1) and Castilla La Mancha (4.5).
Yes indeed, No autonomous community comes close to the one to 30 ratio.. The highest are those of Aragón (9.4), Galicia (8.4), Asturias (8.4), Castilla y León (8.3), the Basque Country (8.3) and Murcia (5.8) .
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