drive a motorcycle on the roads of Spain always involves numerous risks, especially during the winter months, when weather conditions are more adverse. Therefore, it is very important that motorcyclists are adequately protected, so that in the event of an incident, the severity of injuries be as light as possible, as the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT).
The organization is constantly trying to increase the safety of two-wheeled lovers, and one of the most important factors when getting on a motorcycle is be equipped with all the protection elements. As the DGT itself recalls on its social networks, the helmet is the only mandatory equipment for motorcyclists in Spain, although there are many other garments that can prevent fatal injuries in case of accident.
Recommendations from the DGT for riding a motorcycle
Through an infographic that the DGT has published on its social networks, the body in charge of regulating traffic in Spain has highlighted how crucial it is go well equipped while riding a motorcycle. More than half of accidents end injuries to the trunk (56%), head (54%) and arms (50%), being the parts of the body that suffer the most in the event of an incident.
Therefore, in addition to the helmet (mandatory use) It is vitally important wear a protective jacket that covers the upper part of the body well, as well as having gloves on: Four out of ten injured people had injuries to their hands or wrists, so it is essential to drive with special ones; In fact, the DGT itself assures that the protection factor of these elements is 87%.
Of course, the lower body It is also prone to serious damage: almost a third of the injured have damage to their legs or feet, while 29% suffer orthopedic injuries, so it is also crucial to protect that area. Therefore, carry a suitable footwear It is a great way to improve protection, which increases up to 47% with it on, according to the DGT.
In this way, wearing only the helmet while riding a motorcycle is not guarantor of maximum security on road. It is crucial to carry the greater number of protection elements possible, so that in the event of an accident, the risk of serious injury (or even fatal) is significantly reduced.
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