With the new film of the galactic saga created by George Lucas titled The Mandalorian and Grogu who will direct Jon Favreau with Peter Pascal of protagonist and release date scheduled for May 22, 2026 and another in preparation, Star Wars: New Jedi Order centered on the character of Rey embodied by Daisy Ridley and who would direct Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoythere is a third project underway, that of Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi (Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi) that will be made James Mangold.
Despite the failure at the box office of the very expensive Indiana Jones and the dial of destinyDisney and Lucasfilm have once again trusted the director of logan either Le Mans ’66 for this new adventure set in that galaxy so far away and of which at the moment it is only known that it will have a script by Beau Willimonwith experience in warsies issues thanks to the series Andorand also that the intention is for the action to take place in the remote past, 25,000 years before the events of Star Wars. Episode I: The Phantom Menaceexploring the story of the first Jedi and the discovery of the Force.
Taking advantage of the premiere of A Complete Unknownhe biopic about the figure of the singer and composer Bob Dylan the one who gives life Timothée Chalamet, Movieweb has had the opportunity to chat with him and Mangold has justified the decision to set it so long ago. Basically, it’s about having more creative freedom for its story and characters.
“The film would take place 25,000 years before any known Star Wars film. It’s terrain that I’ve always wanted to explore and that inspired me as a teenager. What I’m not interested in is being tied hand and foot by so much immovable lore. , where you end up not being able to please anyone”explained the director.
Movies and series after the original Lucas trilogy They have always been looked at with a magnifying glass by fans.so that this would give him an unbeatable opportunity to build a film about a known universe, but giving it a totally different and new treatment and characters, not adjusted to the canons of the saga, only in the basics.
And here we are, waiting for more possible news, especially regarding the cast. It is also still difficult to advance a possible release datebut surely Dawn of the Jedi could end up being released in 2027, trusting that before The Mandalorian and Grogu has been a success at the box office, paving more favorable ground for the reception of future films of the galactic franchise on the big screen.
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