The Bullfighting Club of Seville has enabled a page on the platform for fans to support this initiative
The brand new Bullfighting Club of Seville has begun its journey with the request of the Medal of Andalusia for Morante de la Puebla. This was made public this Wednesday, when they opened a csignature collection campaign on the platform so that the genius of La Puebla del RĂo receives this recognition on the next Andalusia Day.
As stated in their letter, “apart from his merits as a bullfighter, [Morante] is a true institution in its hometown and its own economic engine, in which for a decade or soorganizes promotional bullfighting shows of new values ​​and festive events in honor of San SebastiĂ¡n.
«The bullfighting merits are well known and, for all the above, we believe that the maestro is worthy of being granted such a distinction next year. February 28, 2025since we are in favor of recognitions and tributes in life, especially when there have been very few personalities in the world of bullfighting who have been granted such a distinction, which, again, causes us surprise, beingo Andalusia, birthplace of bullfighting and breeding of the brave bull».
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