The use of windshield wipers is essential in rainy or snowy conditions on the roads of Spain, so these parts must be in perfect condition to carry out its functions and help the driver have good visibility of the road.
However, sometimes the windshield wipers do not do their job well, making it necessary to change the tires. In addition, there are times when this element is not adjusted correctly, for this, there is a trick that allows repair the “wiper” rod using only a piece of cardboard and a screwdriver.
How do you use cardboard to fix the windshield wiper?
It is very useful to regulate the windshield wipers well. First of all, it is necessary to remove the wiper blade, which is normally removed with a button, to then rest the rod on the front glass to check if it is well adjusted to the windshield.
In case there is a large gap between the glass and the rod, this is when we put a piece of cardboard on the glass, and later with the help of a screwdriver we adjust the brush. In short, thanks to this little trick it is possible to eliminate the annoying noise of the wipers when they are not properly adjusted to the glass or the rubber is worn.
When should you change the windshield wiper blades?
Most manufacturers They suggest replacing the wiper blades once a year. They recommend doing it at the end of summer, since the heat and sun exposure during those months deteriorate the rubber on the wiper blades more quickly.
Furthermore, before proceeding with the change, It is important to check them for possible damage. or irregularities that may affect its correct operation.
Is it possible to make homemade windshield washer fluid?
The answer is yes, although we must keep in mind that we will not only pour tap water, as it can cause limescale blockages in our vehicle in the long term. Likewise, it is advisable that the windshield washer fluid contains degreasing and antifreeze propertiesso some other product will have to be added to the cleaning water.
One of the simplest methods that most drivers use is to mix two thirds of water with one third of window cleaning fluid or a good amount of dishwashing liquid, whose concentration level is usually higher. Likewise, a drop of ‘Fairy’ will be essential to enhance the degreaser.
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