These days we have celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ, but another of the key moments for Christianity is that of his death. Despite this, he had already sown the seed of the religion that would spread throughout the world, thanks to his followers: the apostles.
And what happened to them after the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus? Gon Sánchez Rey is a tweeter who has shared on X two videos with a map in which he shows what the apostles did and what their endings were. And almost everyone had unpleasant destinations.
Peter: After the death of Jesus, he traveled first to Antioch and ended up in Rome, where he became the first pope of Christianity. He was crucified upside down by Emperor Nero in 64 AD. c.
Andrew: Brother of the previous one. He also died crucified, in his case in Patras, Greece. In his case, the cross was shaped like an X, which is now called the Cross of Saint Andrew.
Juan: The only one of the apostles who did not die a violent death. He preached in Asia Minor and Patmos and ended up in Ephesus, where he died and was buried. Centuries later his tomb was found, but it was empty.
Santiago (the Elder): He preached in Spain and then returned to Judea, where he was beheaded by order of King Herod. His body was transferred back to the Iberian Peninsula. He was the first apostle to be martyred.
Philip: He preached in Phrygia, Syria and Greece. He ended up in Hierapolis, present-day Türkiye, where he died crucified.
Bartholomew: He preached in India and then ended up in Armenia, where according to tradition he was skinned alive and then beheaded by order of the local king. His martyrdom has been represented numerous times in art.
Thomas: The famous unbelieving apostle went to preach in southern India, where he died pierced by a spear in the city currently known as Chennai (formerly Madras).
Matthew: He was a tax collector and preached in present-day Ethiopia. There he suffered martyrdom and died pierced by a sword.
Santiago (the Lesser): died in Jerusalem. He was urged to renounce Christianity and when he refused, he was thrown from the top of a building. He did not die when he fell and was finished off on the ground.
Simon (the Zealot): brother of the previous one, there are many versions about its ending. One of them says that he ended up in Persia, now Iran, where he was cut to death by a saw.
Judas Thaddeus: Brother of the previous ones, he also supposedly ended up in ancient Persia, where according to tradition he was beheaded by blow of a blow. samshir, the traditional saber of this area.
Judas Iscariot: the traitor par excellence, was the first to die. Cornered by remorse for betraying Jesus for 30 silver coins, he hanged himself.
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