dance criticism
Muriel Romero begins her career at the National Dance Company with the revival of this title, the oldest surviving romantic ballet.
August Bournonville -
Heman Severin Lovenskiold -
Petrusjka Broholm -
musical director
Daniel Capps -
Guest ballet teacher
Arantxa Argüelles -
Elisa Sanz -
Locker room
Tania Bakunova -
Nicolas Fischtel -
Giada Rossi, Yanier Gómez Noda, Martina Giuffrida, Irene Ureña, Felipe Domingos, National Dance Company, Community of Madrid Orchestra -
Zarzuela Theater, Madrid
‘The sylphide‘ is not only a fundamental and significant title in the history of dance. It is also an excellent touchstone for any dance company, and even more so if, like the Spanish one, it has had a short history but full of ups and downs…
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#sylphide #classic #broadest #sense #word