I have seen many of the videos on YouTube of the lectures of Henri Guillemin (1903-1992), a French historian and literary critic of broad culture, manifesting Christian faith and always progressive positions. Well, in these videos, Guillemin ironically comments that, since the birth of the Third Republic, the French right-wing accuses the left-wing of the serious sin of devoting themselves to politics! The left, conservatives say, use political arguments, aspire to political office and, if they govern, take political measures. On the other hand, what they do is not politics, it is the natural order of things.
The same thing is happening in Spain, as General Franco already said that everyone should do like him and not get involved in politics. A lesson well learned by their contemporary heirs of the PP and Vox, who are always denouncing that the progressive Government does this or that thing for political reasons, to gain the support of parliamentary partners or sectors of the electorate. What they do, on the contrary, is imperishable and indisputable: defending eternal Spain and the businesses of the most savvy Spaniards.
#Maserati #ideology