Precisely for that, the PRI Sinaloa advances in the definition of its applications. He Institutional Revolutionary Party has consolidated a long process of evolution of its internal organizations, with a view to the adoption of a new way of doing politics, which in addition to being consistent with its historical postulates, is to a greater extent linked to the tasks for the satisfaction of the interest of the society.
The training and development of cadres and militancy go hand in hand with the results of the self-criticism exercises, a product of the analysis and understanding, not only of the electoral contexts in which they have participated, but also of the demands of an increasingly active, critical and concerned about the national scene.
The actual process It has not been free of controversies related to the frontal weakening of the electoral institutes, a product of the systematic attacks of the government apparatus, at its three levels. He has given worrying signs and signals regarding whether the security of citizens will be guaranteed on election day.
Certainly, the safety of voters must be a high-priority task and a cause that urges authorities to find solutions and strategies that guarantee a peaceful, civil process without undue interference from power groups nested in the government.
In the midst of this, we find ourselves in a stage in which political parties and coalitions have a major duty with participation, equality and inclusion.
As a consequence of the agreements adopted by the electoral authorities, and particularly in the case of Sinaloa, based on the affirmative actions issued by the State Electoral Institute, many of the political actors who will have to participate in these new, complex election contexts Furthermore, they are being defined based on the rules that ensure the progressive and equal participation of women, but also with respect to members of other social groups that have historically lacked the representation they deserve.
In line with these new rules, the PRI Sinaloa has been building a route that makes it possible for the political offer presented to the citizens to reliably and fully comply with the demands that derive from the mechanisms and principles that guarantee the equal participation of all social groups.
We have not lost sight of the fact that the old model of participant selection, which did not connect with minority social groups, can no longer have a place in the current context of democratic participation. The strength in the figures, the recognition of the resume and the history in the fight for the opening of political spaces for everyone, stands as one of the guiding axes of the internal processes that are currently being developed.
There is absolute awareness that the political moment that Mexico is going through is establishing the conditions for the best women and men to compete, championing our political institute, but also making each and every one of the causes of society their own. .
Progress is being made in this task; the definitions must allow that citizenship to be represented in an authentic and progressive way. This is not strictly an issue of electoral profitability, it is about the most important mission, which as a democratic institution we cannot lose sight of: Sinaloa and Mexico must be rescued. And in that task, and in that same objective, with strength, optimism, and the best of spirits, we are moving forward.
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