The resuscitation maneuvers carried out by the medical staff were useless and there was nothing more that could be done for the boy.
Terrible news arrived this morning from Puglia, amidst holidays that have begun or were hoped for by millions of people in our country. What happened has undoubtedly destroyed a family and thrown many young friends of the victim into sadness. A 16 year old boy he died this morning in the waters off the beach at Margherita di Savoia.
We are in the north of the province of Bari, where there are several truly fascinating areas of the Apulian coast. The young man, together with four friends, all foreigners, had arrived in Apulia from Rionero in Vulture (Potenza) accompanied by an association that had organized a short moment to spend on those beaches for a day at the beach.

The precise circumstances of theaccident have not yet been fully clarified: the five young people were in the water when the current, the height of the water in that particular area, must have caused some difficulty in the boys’ return to shore.
THE rescue they were quick at that moment. The staff of the ASL Bat intervened with a watercraft, while three ambulances arrived from Margherita di Savoia, Trinitapoli and San Ferdinando, supported by the helicopter rescue from Foggia. In a few moments it was clear that there was nothing that could be done for the boy. The resuscitation maneuvers carried out by the medical staff were useless and, when he was brought back to shore, he was already dead.
The other boys who were with the young man who later died were transported to the Dimiccoli hospital in Barletta, where they were taken when they were all conscious and their conditions did not cause too much concern. The men of the Port Authority also intervened on the scene. No hypothesis regarding the incident has been ruled out, including illness or drowning.

The sea was rough, not excessively agitated, although it should be noted that the wind was blowing on the beach. Red flagindicative of danger. Strong currents may have played a role in the terrible event. This is the second bad episode at sea in a year in Margherita di Savoia. Last year, in similar circumstances, a 6-year-old boy, a guest of a summer camp, lost his life. The death toll at sea for this summer in the province of Foggia and nearby tourist resorts has already risen to three.
#16YearOld #Boy #Loses #Life #Swimming #Sea #Tragedy #Eyes #Friends #Happened