They are evidently Many the differences between a car and a formula 1 car. The maximum discipline of sports motoring always seeks to achieve a demanding porpholio of technological measures in order to obtain The best benefits.
There are many evidence in this regard. The maximum speed of a car can reach 330 km/hwhile the average in a street model is usually in the 180 km/h, except for those most provision. In going from 0 to 100 km/h invests around 8 seconds and A formula 1 needs just over 2 secondsa really spectacular figure.

The braking is another fairly differentiating element, since a formula 1 needs 15 meters to go from 100 to 0 km/h And a car is around 55 meters. That for not referring to prices, because a car of this category manages amounts in the environment of The 9 million euros.
Formula 1 as a test bench
Even so, there are many pieces in conventional cars that have their origin in this competition. We highlight those that have to do with aerodynamics, such as ailerons or stylistic appendicesthat positively collaborate to properly channel air currents and benefit, among other aspects, consumption.

Similarly, the materials with which they are made discs or brake pads or tires They find their base in this discipline and in this line we could also look at the change boxes, in the suspensions or in the engines. Precisely The hybrid mechanics that are now fashionable in cars that can be found in any brand reflect the regulations that currently govern formula 1.
Of course, the closest thing with a car, saving great differences, we can find it in “Supercars” type models as are some of the cars of brands as iconic as Porsche, Ferrari, Aston MartinAudi, Mercedes, McLaren or Lamborghini. They are characterized by offering a very high level and that they are a lot heavier than a car.

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