Yolanda Díaz talks about the unity on the left again. Since we can abandon the coalition in Congress to start a separate path of adding, the second vice president had dodged the conversation and the main leaders of her political formation were just said that they are the ones who have to give explanations. This last week, however, the idea that the political space must repeat the coalition that was forged for the July 23 elections has recovered in different interventions.
The first tone change occurred in mid -January. “What I would like, and I say it humbly, is that what happened on July 23 is repeated,” he said in An interview in ‘La Vanguardia‘. But last Monday, in an informative breakfast of Europa Press extended on the subject. And he repeated the same idea in all the interviews he granted in later days: “I am going to work so that what happened on 23j happens again. And who does not want to be there has to explain it. Because we know how D’Hondt’s law works. ” Although the word Podemos did not pronounce, the evening was evident.
What has happened so that in the nucleus of adding they have gone as to amortized the alliance with Podemos to re -assemble their hand to recover a unit candidacy? From Díaz’s words, the fear of the right to come to power in Spain by the ultra -right, even more after Donald Trump’s victory in the United States and the enthronement of Elon Musk. “They see what is happening in the world? It is no joke. I know Feijóo well. Can you imagine a country with Vice President Abascal? ”He warned in Europa Press.
Various voices in adding coincide that the latest statements in public of Díaz are not arbitrary, but respond to a reflection that has been giving for a long time within the formation and also in the coalition. In the current political context, they maintain two candidacies to the left of the PSOE would mean the impossibility of reissue the progressive government.
A few months ago, in fact, the Secretary of Organization of Movement, Lara Hernández, participated in Un debate with political forces of the left Organized by the Communist Party of Spain for its annual party. In that appointment, in which the United Left, the Communs, Compromís and EH Bildu also participated, but we cannot even Madrid, Hernández raised a reflection on how alliances should be created and talked about principles such as the horizontality of political formations and also , that of “participation”, with the maximum of “a person, a vote.”
The Sumar movement leader bet with those words for a primary system to settle the leadership within the future alliances, an issue, that of the primaries, which was central in the tensions that marked the negotiations between Yolanda Díaz and Podemos to weave a Unitary candidacy for the latest generals. Ione Belarra’s party declined to go to the launch of Díaz’s candidacy, in Magariños, after the negative of the second vice president to commit to the future coalition would be articulated through a open primary system.
In adding they also believe that the act that the coalition organized just a few weeks ago at the Ortega-Marañón Foundation, in Madrid, was a kind of “turning point” in different ways. The parties celebrated an act to launch the campaign for the reduction of the working day, precisely now that the Council of Ministers is aimed at approval. Representatives of the main forces that make up the parliamentary group and the closing speech were carried out by Díaz. Before the act, the matches gathered at a broad table in which they discussed openly about the political situation.
An image that was not seen since last September, when the Ministers of Sumar presented their proposals for the negotiation of budgets. That act, however, was more focused on the government action and did not have the participation of Antonio Maíllo, the leader of the United Left, who in the summer, after the European elections, openly criticized the management that Diaz had made a political space and asked for a new way of doing things.
In IU they saw the meeting of the other day as a recognition of the request they have been formulating since the summer to create a table of parties that meets regularly for political decision making. The Federation had claimed a new decision -making structure after the bad results to add in the elections that happened last year opened an unprecedented crisis in the coalition and lay the wide front model that Díaz had tried to build.
One of the diagnoses that came out of that meeting is that the left is “discouraged” and needs to give “good news” and recover the confidence of the people of the left or what Yolanda Díaz usually calls “the people of the coalition.” And that is why they understand that you have to pass the “offensive” in political terms.
To do so, the Minister of Labor trusts the government action and that is why in their environment they celebrate as a very important victory to have defeated the PSOE with the PSOE so that the law for the reduction of the working day is processed as it came out of the according to the unions and also do so by the emergency route. Although the working day is the central pillar with which in adding they want to leave a mark on this legislature, they have begun to push with other issues such as the universal benefit for parenting or the expansion of permits to 20 weeks that depend on the ministry of Pablo Bustinduy.
But all that government task can be frustrated, some people reason within the coalition, if in the next general the left comes divided. Hence, the minister has recovered the discourse of the unit and has joined voices such as Maíllo, who for months has been working to bring positions between Podemos and the adds of adding to make that reunion possible.
The change in speeches also coincides with the difficulties that has experienced to add in all these months to be placed as the political reference to the left of the PSOE despite having five ministries and about thirty deputies in Congress. The problems in the elections, the internal fluctuations that led to the resignation of Díaz as an organic leader in June and finally the Errejón case have caused a collapse of adding in the surveys. In parallel, Podemos has been taking a breath noting in Congress and with Irene Montero as an electoral reference in the last Europeans.
We can disregard the winks
The statements of the last days have not disturbed Podemos, who prefers to avoid talking about internal or unity issues and focus on political issues. Ione Belarra’s party has experienced a slight recovery in the polls during the last months based on exhibit left.
However, in the last interviews that Irene Montero, Eurodiputada and political secretary of the party, has been granted, has been especially hard against Yolanda Díaz’s project, whom a few months ago, in the presentation of his book, he described as the “political error bigger ”who committed his party.
In recent weeks, he has accused the PSOE of having driven to add to destroy them and asked him to fix it. “The PSOE has to assume the consequences and incorporate into its ranks what is left of the political operations they have driven to try to end the left,” he said in a Spanish television interview that he suggests that if Podemos attend again in Alliance With other forces he will not do it with the formation of Díaz.
In an interview in La Cafetera, Juantxo López de Uracde, leader of the Green Alliance and very close to Podemos, said that both his formation and that of Belarra has already passed “the screen of Yolanda Díaz”. “The 23J was from the point of view of space management, a management based on vetoes, in unfair, in expulsions. It was not very positive. And in fact Yolanda Díaz herself resigned, I don’t know how to say it, as a space leader, right? So, to refer to 23J it seems to us that they have no signs of being very successful, ”he said. “If you want to talk about unity, we will have to think about another scheme that is based on internal democracy, primary and a really differentiated program from the PSOE,” he warned.
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