The second vice president and Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, has pressured the PSOE this Thursday to “comply with the Government agreement”, which includes the reduction of the working day in 2025. The Minister of Economy, Carlos Body, has opened up to delay this application to “help companies” in their adaptation. Díaz has charged against Corps, which he has accused of positioning itself in favor of the employers instead of the workers. “I think that the policy of promising things and then failing to fulfill them is what expands the extreme right,” Díaz stated.
The person responsible for Labor and head of Sumar within the coalition Government has stated that she is “surprised” that “at this point the PSOE says that it does not want to comply with the Government agreement.” Yolanda Díaz has maintained that she has not spoken with the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, about this tension with the Ministry of Economy. Díaz pointed out that Sánchez is in Brussels these days, but has repeated that delaying the application of the reduction in working hours “is not the commitment of the President of the Government.”
In this sense, he recalled that the PSOE has decided in its recent Congress to reduce the working day to 36 hours a week. “How do we do politics? “Deceiving people?” he said.
Díaz has stated that she is “sure” that in the end an agreement will be reached within the coalition to comply with the Government agreement. The vice president has highlighted that internal tensions, especially with the Ministry of Economy, have been repeated with a multitude of initiatives in her portfolio, such as labor reform, the Rider Law and increases in the minimum wage and that they were ultimately resolved.
“For whom do we govern?”
Yolanda Díaz has highlighted the social dialogue process of this legislation, for eleven months, in which she has highlighted that companies have been given the opportunity to enter into an agreement, from which they withdrew a few weeks ago.
Regarding Carlos Body’s position, to make the entry into force more flexible to make it more “gradual” and help companies in their adaptation, the Minister of Labor has considered that time has already been given during this negotiation and direct aid was offered to the companies. small businesses, which the employers rejected.
The vice president has highlighted that the leader of the employers’ association, Antonio “Garamendi, is very comfortable with Carlos Corpus” and has asked the socialist party a question: “For whom do we govern and do we comply with the Government agreement?” Díaz has stated that he expected “a change” in the Executive with the departure of Nadia Calviño, with whom he had multiple confrontations, but has maintained that “there is no change between Nadia Calviño and Mr. Carlos Corpus.” “I am surprised by the socialist party, that they are against the working people of our country,” she added.
Díaz has anchored himself in the need for the reduction of the working day to 37 and a half hours to be a reality for “all workers” as of December 31, 2025, to give “good news” to the citizenship.
Minister Body has framed the delay of the measure within the logic of adding parliamentary support to move the law forward. “Does that mean that the Government of Spain has to stop legislating?” Yolanda Díaz responded.
In this sense, the second vice president has said that the Executive must keep its word and, if there are later problems in Parliament to move the norm forward, something foreseeable and that is being a constant in multiple laws, that the political parties that prevent This regulation will be the ones who explain themselves to their voters.
#Yolanda #Díaz #puts #pressure #PSOE #reduction #working #day #Promising #failing #fulfill #widens #extreme