Yle's exam | The candidates have different views on the role of the president in the labor market dispute

According to Stubb, the president's intervention in the strike situation would escalate the dispute. Haavisto would warn the government about backbiting.

Presidential candidate Pekka Haavisto (vihr) says that as the president of the republic, in the current tightened labor market situation, you should be in touch with various actors behind the scenes.

Haavisto argued with his opponent about the strike situation by Alexander Stubb (kok) with Yle's presidential exam on Thursday.

Haavisto would also tell the government not to take back profits, because back profits will be avenged during the next government.

“I would say out loud to the nation that Finland is a contract society, and I would recommend that this too could be agreed upon.”

According to Haavisto, we talk about values ​​when we talk about the continuation of the contractual society.

Haavisto hoped for responsibility in that the strikes would not cause harm in the form of, for example, rising energy bills for citizens.

Stubbs pointed out that it is now unknown whether the sitting president Sauli Niinistö held background discussions with the parties. According to Stubb, the president has not taken a public position either.

“He uses his own value leadership sparingly, because even the slightest whisper from the president's mouth is quickly a megaphone,” Stubb said.

Stubb says he would not judge anyone in a strike situation. He hopes that the social partners will find solutions.

“The fact that you would take a side as a candidate would make the situation difficult, because you would become a party or part of the government or the opposition.”

According to Stubb, the confrontation would specifically escalate if the president took a stand on the controversies.

“He can generally call for a solution or talk with the parties.”

According to Stubb, the president of the republic could perhaps intervene in the labor market dispute if Finland's security or some key factor affecting security of supply was threatened.

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