The Mexican poet and editor Julio Trujillo has died in England, where he had lived for four years. The writer had been missing for days.
The Mexican Embassy in the United Kingdom had requested the collaboration of the British authorities in their search. The British police also asked citizens for help to find the whereabouts of the writer who was finally found dead.
Finally, the writer has turned up dead, although the causes of his death have not been revealed. Trujillo had two children, Ana and Santiago, who reside in Mexico with their mother, the editor Tania Carreño.
Julio Trujillo was born in Mexico City in 1969, he was editorial director of the magazine Free Lettersof Newsweek in Spanish, from the Publications Directorate of the Ministry of Culture in Mexico and from the Alfaguara imprint at Penguin Random House, Mexico.
The writer is the author of poetry books a blood (1998), Bow (2000), Koudelka’s dog (2005), Overnight (2005), Bipolar (2008), Pithecanthropus (2009), Ex professed (2010), The bubble (2013), The particle accelerator (2017) and Thursday (2021), as well as the book of chronicles about Mexico City Shortcuts and Detours (2015).

Numerous Mexican institutions have mourned the death of the poet on social network “observation stands as a tool where the minuscule becomes transcendent.”
The José Hierro Poetry Center Foundation has also reminded the Mexican writer, which last November was awarded the VIII Margarita Hierro International Poetry Prize for the collection of poems Behind the city and before the sky. “Our thoughts and affection are with his family and friends,” the foundation wrote in a statement.
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