Every March 8 is celebrated International Women’s Day Worldwide, in which millions of women from all corners go out to claim equal opportunities and their rights. But what is not known so much is where this commemoration comes from the historical level, which already encompasses more than a hundred years of struggle.
The origin of March 8 as International Women’s Day
Although there are several historical events that led to the definition of March 8 as the International Women’s Day, which is also known as working women’s day, two events that took place in New York City were key to reach that decision.
The first was the demonstration of the textile sector workers in March 1857 in New York to denounce working conditions and resulted in a bloody police intervention. The second was also a strike in the same city, in this case in 1908, and that also demanded improvement with requests such as salary equality or the reduction of the day to 10 hours a day.

With the intention of honoring that fight, in 1909 there was what would be the germ of the current 8m, with a day of the woman who followed more than 15,000 in New York and Chicago. The following year, in 1910, the International Socialist of Women They chose to set a symbolic day of the struggle for equal rights in their congress in Copenhagen, Denmark.
This would be how in 1911 the first International Women’s Day was celebrated in some European countries such as Germany, Austria, Denmark or Switzerland, extending worldwide until It was recognized in 1975 by the UN and he set internationally officially.
Clara Zetkin, the 8M driver
The one that is currently a day of claiming equal rights for women is partly Clara Zetkinwho was Secretary of the Socialist International of Women, which she herself promoted in her creation in 1907 in a congress in Stuttgart, Germany.
Clara Zetkin was a German policy of Jewish origin that he was a member of the Democratic Socialist Party and then the Communist Party of Germany, which made him be part of Parliament during the Weimar Republic, and who fought during his life for equal rights, as well as for women’s suffrage.
He was one of the main names in the struggle for women’s rights in Germany and Europe along with others such as Rosa Luxembourg, and edited a feminist newspaper between 1891 and 1917 in his native country. In 1933 he died in Moscow after he had exiled for the rise of Nazism a few years before.
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