The arrival of festivities such as Christmas is usually accompanied by fireworks, an event that can be stressful for our pets. That is why it is crucial to know how to act to protect them and help them stay calm. Its use causes a lot of harm to animals (both in the environment and outside of it). Doctors, veterinarians and environmental experts recommend against using fireworks (among others) due to the side effects they can cause. in people with autism, pets and the environment.
“Dogs and cats have much more developed senses than humans,” says veterinarian Sonia Sáez, which makes them especially vulnerable to loud noises and flashes. In addition to the loud and unpredictable sounds, the sparkles Fireworks can also be disturbing to animals, as they tend to associate them with danger, as well as booms, whistles or crackles, which can seem alarming.
Cats have sharper night vision than we do, which can intensify their discomfort with flashes, and dogs often show a greater reaction to sound, even if their hearing ability is similar to that of cats.
The loud noise and unpredictability make animals relate firecrackers or fireworks as a serious threat and cause them discomfort, anxiety and fear. As a consequence, one of the reactions that this situation triggers is the attempt to flee from danger. Some animals can hide or take refuge in a safe space in the home, but if the animal has access to open doors or windows, the outcome can be catastrophic.
Animals usually vocalize to express their discomfort, through barking in dogs or desperate meowing in cats. They may also show other signs of anxiety such as dilated pupils, repetitive movements, shaking, moaning, restlessness, intense panting, or loss of sphincter control.
Tips to protect them
When a pet gets scared, some typical reactions are usually chasing them if they try to hide or trying to comfort them. Although it may seem like an appropriate response, this could reinforce your fear. Instead, it is better to resort to more effective strategies that provide the security and peace of mind that each animal needs. While some will need to be on your lap and in constant contact, others will prefer to be in the most remote part of the house.
Pets are very empathetic and perceive our emotions easily. If you remain calm, you will convey that there is no reason to be alarmed. A calm attitude can be key to helping pets cope with the situation.
Before the fireworks begin, it is advisable to prepare the home to isolate it as much as possible from the lights and sounds of the rockets or fireworks outside:
On the one hand, close windows, doors and curtains to reduce the entry of sounds and flashes and use relaxing music or white noise to mask loud outside noises.
It is important create a safe and comfortable space for the pet, using its bed, a box and blankets that provide a cozy place. Thanks to that, the animal will feel calm and protected.
It is essential don’t leave him alonesince the presence of its owner will provide comfort and help reduce its anxiety regarding the noise of fireworks.
You can also reward the pet with a treat when she remains calm, but it is crucial not to do so if she shows fear, as this could have the opposite effect to the desired one.
#fireworks #good #idea #pets