Social escorts are not a foreign concept. In fact, they exist all around the world. However, they are super popular in Singapore. Many men, usually business executives, who travel to this part of the world tend to like to date a female Singapore escort when they are in Singapore for business meetings or conferences. Here are some of the biggest reasons why Singaporean escort girls are so attractive to clients.
First of all, most of these clients are highly educated and highly successful in their careers. While it is true that many men care a lot about the looks of a woman when it comes to dating, or even for casual short-term dating like escorts, they do care about the woman’s personality and more too. For example, these highly intelligent business executives rarely want to date an escort who has looks but has nothing going on in the brains. They want to connect with a social escort companion who is also eloquent and able to communicate with them. Since the escort girls you can find in Singapore are mostly university educated, and many of them also work a full-time professional office job, the clients are meeting with women who are able to connect with them intellectually too. This is quite different from the escorts you may find in many other countries or cities, where most are uneducated and have nothing to offer besides their looks or beauty.
Second of all, South East Asia is an often-frequented location by many expatriates hailing from the Western part of the world. However, Singapore is the only country in the entire region which first language is English. This means that all local escorts in Singapore are educated in and able to converse well in English, as it is literally their first language. As a result of that, it becomes very convenient for these European or American business expatriates to Singapore be able to communicate with the local escorts here. This is quite the different story if they were to meet and date an escort in a neighbouring country such as Myanmar, Thailand or Indonesia, where heavier communication barriers may exist.
Third of all, most clients are very conscious about their privacy when it comes to looking for and dating escorts. In some locations, the working call girls are not privacy conscious even when it comes to themselves, therefore, it is hard to expect them to treat the client’s privacy with the same level of respect and seriousness. However, Singaporeans are generally conservative, and because of their privacy conscious culture when it comes to controversial services such as escort services, the girls themselves are privacy conscious. Therefore, they naturally understand the clients’ need for confidentiality and for the entire escort service experience to be as discreet as possible. Because of that, many clients feel comfortable dating escorts in Singapore, as the feeling and desire for privacy is mutual and reciprocated.