One of the most anticipated dates on the Christmas calendar in Spain is approaching: December 22. This Friday is celebrated in our country Extraordinary Christmas Lottery Drawa day in which many citizens will appeal to luck in search of obtaining ‘El Gordo’, a prize that is distributed 400,000 euros to those who have one of the winning tenths.
Only a lucky few will be able to get their hands on this precious loot, although it will not be the only prize at stake. In fact, on certain occasions there are numbers that distribute more than one prize; That is, it is possible that you will win the Lottery twice with the same ticket. But when does this happen?
Why can you get a double prize with the same tenth?
There are several options to obtain a double prize for the same number in the Christmas Lottery Draw. They all have to do with the endings of the number we haveso, first of all, we will have to take into account which numbers are awarded in each case.
Those tenths whose last two figures coincide with the last two of the first, second and third prize will receive a prize, thus receiving an income of 100 euros. The hundreds of the four first prizes also have a prize of 100 euros per tenth, for example, in 2022 the Christmas Lottery Jackpot fell at 86,148, so all the tenths between 86,100 and 86,999 won 100 euros . Finally, there is also the refund, which is given when the last number of our ticket matches the last number of ‘El Gordo’, and which returns what was played (20 euros in most cases).
Following what was explained above, you will receive a double prize those tenths in which the refund coincides with any of the terminations of the first prizes. If we keep the example with ‘El Gordo’ from last year, 86,138 would have a double prize: 100 euros for the hundred of the first prize and 20 euros for the refund.
In addition to these circumstances mentioned above, we can also combine two prizes if we get one of those awarded by the ‘pedrea’. The stones It is made up of 1,794 prizes of 100 euros to the tenth and, in the event that one of these has the same ending as ‘El Gordo’, they would also win a double prize: 100 euros for the winning number and 20 euros for the refund.
How to get more than two prizes in the Christmas Lottery
In some cases up to three prizes can be combined, thus increasing the bonus that its holders receivealthough it can be complicated to happen. For example, in 2020 the number 06,097 had three prizes: the refund, the last two figures of the first prize and the hundred of the second prize (06,095); That is, those who had this tenth received 220 euros.
However, if the second prize had fallen on 06.096, 06.907 would have also added the approximation (numbers before and after the winner) to the second prize. In this way, 1,250 euros would be added to the previous prizes, which would end up leaving a prize of 1,470 euros. If the number itself had been awarded with another of the big prizes or even the stone, these winnings could have increased.
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