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Feijóo tells us that he is not Pedro Sánchez and that he will never be like him. In this he is completely right. The secretary general of PSOE He will never say that he is not president of the government because he does not want to, as if Feijóo could have been. TO Feijóo It would be enough for him to win a motion of censure that he does not dare to interpose because he has everything against us. Is he perhaps a hero of the country? Frankly, his performances in Europe They don’t seem to endorse that title. He demands European intervention and support at every step, but then he sulks at us like a child when we do not support his eccentric claims.
I may be homesick for having left Galiciawhere there he dominated at the polls and sailed with a certain drug trafficker whose activities he was unaware of because there was no Google in those times. When they assured him that he would become president of the People’s Party By acclamation, he was encouraged to take the step, because there was no way to lose. That’s why he didn’t dare to cross that Rubicon before. He did it when Ayuso managed to defenestrate Pablo Married for messing with his brother’s commissions. At that time they were thinking of selling a headquarters marred by corruption, but Feijóo wiped the slate clean with the string of judicial sentences for various abuses that weigh on his party.
So that Abascal does not overshadow him, he has decided to abandon a hypothetical center-right and embrace all imaginable extremisms.
He is a true expert in giving bizarre and contradictory explanations, demonstrating that he lacks any stable conviction and only seeks to take advantage of the situation, emulating the Ayusista style with little success. His performances as a populist demagogue lack the vigor that Miguel Ángel Rodríguez knows how to instill in the Madrid president. MAR’s tricks usually turn out well and he always pushes forward, ensuring that no one remembers the confessed crimes of Ayuso’s boyfriend, that private citizen who is defended as if he were not, and implicating the State Attorney General. He has even managed to get Juan Lobato to resign. A totally profitable trick.
But nothing goes well for poor Feijóo. He boasts of the autonomous power that he supposedly leads and, yet, he defends the painful management of someone as mendacious as Carlos Mazón, for which he decides to attack all imaginable bodies and discredit the person who is already Vice President of the European Commission. Their institutional disloyalty is impressive. He cannot conceive of opposing the government by supporting it on major issues of State and crises of all kinds, providing samples of what an alternative model would be. He simply asks that Sánchez resign for a multitude of reasons, although now he prefers that he stay to witness his defeat at the polls. Since he has taken off his glasses, he has a particularly blurred political vision of things.
Alberto Núñez Feijóo does not seem to measure up as a European statesman, despite the fact that he considers himself a hero of the country and the world political winds are blowing in his favor
There is no way to take his statements seriously, because he keeps contradicting them himself and you don’t know which way to go. So that Abascal does not overshadow him, he has decided to abandon a hypothetical center-right and embrace all imaginable extremisms. It maintains as parliamentary spokesperson the person who laughingly displayed photos with victims of a terrorist organization, instrumentalizing terrorism to wear down the government. He only agreed to agree to the replacement of the judiciary when he had no choice. Can anyone imagine him signing the anti-terrorist pact that he signed? Zapatero with Aznar as opposition leader? How would you have managed the pandemic? Is Valencia an example of what your party could do from La Moncloa? He should have taken good note of the clamorous silence that Ayuso has kept in this last regard.
In short, Alberto Núñez Feijóo does not seem to measure up as a European statesman, despite the fact that he considers himself a hero of the country and the global political winds are blowing in his favor. His shift towards the extreme right finds people who already occupy that side of the political table. When he cultivates populist demagoguery, he does not know how to do it like Ayuso and nor does he benefit from his obsession with emulating the genuine leader of the party. It is clear that, if he is not president of the government, it is because he does not feel like it and it seems that he does not even feel like being one. What a character. He surely has very appreciable personal qualities that he does not know how to transfer to his position as a front-line politician.
#Feijóo #lets #answer #question #clarify #daguerreotype #politician