The life of Mikhail Gorbachev went out a sigh, on August 30, 2022; His legend, on the contrary, continues intact. His success list is very long: he was the first and only president of the Soviet Union – the load was created … During his mandate–; He struggled to “humanize” real socialism; He fought to achieve a more prosperous economy and wanted to approach the eternal American enemy. This last movement, to make a tourniquet to the economic bleeding that was lived in the USSR. What is usually forgotten is that he charged against the old heroes raised by his country: León Trotsky to the bloodthirsty IoSIF Stalin.
The blacksmith who forged the ‘Perestroika’ was dispatched at discretion against his predecessors in a memorable speech pronounced on November 2, 1987. He did it on an indicated date: during the 70th anniversary of the revolution that raised the Bolsheviks to the poltrona. Hence the symbolism. And, in case it was not enough, he implied that under his words he would have signed the man who lit the Soviet Union. “The Soviet leader proclaimed himself yesterday Lenin’s main heir before all the organs of the power of the USSR on the occasion of the LXX anniversary of the revolution,” wrote the ABC correspondent in Moscow, Alberto Sotillo.
Not a puppet with a head
The function began during a joint session of the Central Committee and the Supreme Sóviets of the Soviet Union and the Russian Republic. The theater in which it was represented was the Kremlin Congresses Palace. It was not brief; Nor light. The session was extended for two days in which the different leaders of the USSR and their allies launched their respective ‘spears’ to the room. Comrade Gorbachev’s speech was titled ‘October and Perestroika: The revolution continues‘, And the curious thing is that it was not as bleeding as expected. The line was much more moderate than the usual interventions of the politician between the scenes.
Sotillo noticed it and left it on Blanco in his chronicle, as well as a series of details that would be corroborated later. The most remarkable, that Gorbachev had reduced the impetus of his words to dodge the criticism of the most extremist wing. “The intervention – of which it has been saying that it has suffered sensitive touch -ups after the last and stormy meeting of the central committee – was pronounced with a more dubitative nuance, remarkably less vigorous than on other occasions,” he added. He was not right. The politician abolished Stalin’s mass murders and an ambiguous characterization of Trotsky. High policy things.
The first to take a pinch was Trotsky. Gorbachev called the theorist and opponent of Stalin of “small bourgeois paid of himself” that endangered the revolution “by making common cause with Kamenev and Zinoviev.” His worst movement, he said, was to “follow a fractional activity” against Lenin, which he considered the “sacred north” of the USSR. This character was followed by the controversial creator of Soviet economic policy in the interwar period: Nikolai Bujarin. This character was defined as “a man loved by the party” who fought Lenin’s enemies, but who did not reach “a scholastic theorist.”
The main course was Stalin. Gorbachev stressed that he was guilty of generalized persecutions and “rude political errors” against his own people. “Thousands of people, members or not of the party, were victims of massive, indiscriminate and illegal repressions,” he said. He then put his finger on the wound by explaining that “the lack of Stalin and his immediate surroundings is immense and unforgivable.” Although he also had words of recognition for him. The dictator praised his forced industrialization and his “persevering” performance during World War II. The last point surprised those present, then, at that time, a critical current already loaded against the loss of mass lives in the conflict fostered by the crazy offensives of the supreme comrade.
Krushchov was the following. Stalin’s successor after the conflict spoke more benevolently. He praised his “value” to denounce the “cult of personality” of the dictator, but also pointed out that he had been carried away by voluntariness and had not knew how to orchestrate a true de -stating methods. For him he was “a politician full of courage,” but “with personalist mistakes” who ended up retracting once again the Soviet Union. The last in discord was Leonid Brézhnev, architect of the doctrine of the USSR satellite countries. He wielded that he had favored economic, social, political, moral and artistic stagnation during his government stage.
Another facet
However, we should not keep Gorbachev’s most critical vision. Since his arrival to power in 1985, when he became general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, he developed an economic plan (‘Perestroika’) to reactivate an economy that had stagnant since the 70s and was destined (between 16% and 28%) to maintain a gigantic army formed by five million men.
In addition, it began its approach to the United States and its president, Ronald Reagan. This was how both leaders signed in December 1987 the Washington Treaty, a pact through which they agreed to destroy short and medium -range nuclear weapons. Mainly, SS-20 missiles know Russians and MGM-31 American MGM-31.
«Our complex and diverse world is becoming, due to an inevitable, more and more interrelated and interdependent evolution. And that world more and more needs a mechanism capable of allowing the discussion of common problems in a responsible way, ”Gorbachev said. Shortly after, the Russian favored and signed several agreements such as that of Paris in 1990 (through which NATO and the Warsaw Pact reduced their military forces in Europe) or the Start negotiations in 1991 (thanks to which their country reduced strategic weapons). Recently, however, he surprised society by being in favor of the invasion of Ukraine.
#USSR #shameed #Stalins #barbarities #unforgivable