The Pelicot case is an atrocious story that has shocked France and the public in general and is now awaiting a verdict. The trial has exposed the acts committed by Dominique Pelicot, the ‘exemplary man’who was drugging his wife, Gisele Pelicotfor more than ten years and offering her over the Internet so that other men could rape her while she was unconscious. They could be men with whom she was quietly having dinner minutes before and who often came to her house. She was the victim of more than 90 rapes committed by 72 men. The degree of perversion of the case and the number of people involved, who, like Dominique Pelicot, seemed to be good fathers and husbands, have raised numerous questions. These individuals, some of whom were also Dominique’s apprentices, lived relatively close, and it was a forum that brought these people with extreme paraphilias into contact.
In addition to Pelicot, the others 50 accused the French media have called them ‘just any gentleman’ because of how ‘ordinary’ they are at first glance. They were truck drivers, journalists, carpenters, a karate champion, a banking computer scientist or a firefighter, among others, and two-thirds had children. «The profile of the rapist does not exist», indicated Antoine Camus, one of Gisèle Pelicot’s two lawyers, in his final argument. This has led many to wonder if we are surrounded by psychopaths and What would happen if one of them belongs to your family, how would we detect them and what would we do.
Criminal psychopath and integrated psychopath
For them, the world is divided into victims and predators. Lara Ferreiro, a psychologist specializing in emotional addiction, self-esteem and relationships, explains to us that we must differentiate between a criminal psychopath and what is an integrated psychopath. The criminal is the one who commits sexual and economic crimes, can murder and presumably Dominique Pellicot would fall within these. The integrated person lives among us and, like the criminal, they are difficult to detect.
Vicente Garrido, a renowned psychologist and criminologist who has been a consultant to the United Nations, and has advised the Police and the Administration of Justice in Spain in different cases, has previously clarified to ABC that these subjects have a cruel and exploitative perspective of others. . QThey can pretend to be friendly and can have great abilities for self-control. and “they project a false image of themselves,” says Garrido.
Psychopath traits
Ferreiro clarifies that they normally tell you that they love you and have a very superficial charm. They usually criticize you and give you poisonous compliments, such as: “You are very pretty for your age.” They are always attacking your self-esteem. They use reverse blamingthat is, you are to blame for everything, while they play the victims. They may have enormous oratory skills and manipulation skills. «They are wolves in sheep’s clothing and from a very young age they tend to develop jealousy. Cellopaths are a type of psychopath who are very envious of others and enter into competition with others, which is why they beat them up. Also they make you the famous gaslightin such a way that in the end you end up doubting your own actions, believing that you are the one who has the problem,” he says.
In their rise to power, they not only destroy their partners, but also their subordinates at work.
Lara Ferreiro
Specialist psychologist
For example, Ferreiro tells us a real case of a father who has been verbally abusing his son since he was little. «The father is 80 years old, the son is 40. And in an argument in which the son tried to stop him again, the father responded by saying that he was crazy, that he was unstable. In the end the son He felt terrible and ended up asking for forgiveness.», indicates Ferreiro.
A psychopath too they give you a silent punishment if you don’t do what they want They don’t speak to you. They put you in the web of their abuse and then many times they disappear, they ‘ghost’ you, ignoring your attempts to contact them, even if you are their brother or their father, and then they return to the cycle of violence again. AND they are big liars. Garrido also explained that one of the lessons of studying psychopaths is that His cruelty is fueled by confrontation. They tend to move in ‘gray’ areas to generate division and establish themselves as leaders of a minority
Likewise, Ferreiro indicates that they see people as objects, they dehumanize or instrumentalize them. In the end, what they want is either to manipulate you, to feel power or to get something from you, to give them money using grief or to help them with any kind of thing because They consider you to be at their service.
“Furthermore, there is the dark triad of personalityd: narcissism, they believe themselves above good and evil; Then there is Machiavellianism, where they think of stratagems to abuse you. And the next thing is psychopathy, they feel no guilt, no empathy, no moral reasoning, absolutely nothing. Even today it is added to this triad sadism“They enjoy causing harm,” says the psychologist.
How many psychopaths are there in our environment?
Ferreiro points out that some of them reach management positions and during their rise to power They not only destroy their partners, but also their subordinates at work. “There are reasons to classify psychopaths in high politics and big business – where their prevalence is estimated at 13% – as the most dangerous beings in the world,” says Garrido. And to this is added that the most cautious studies speak of what is called the 1% malignant. That would mean that in Spain there are about 465,000 psychopaths.
«They have something very dark, they criticize others, They have to be right in everything and they take absolutely no responsibility and have a false humility», lists Ferreiro. At the level of couples, they begin with a love bombing, they are charming, charismatic and they put you in the web of their abuse that can alternate subtlety with bursts of aggressiveness if you contradict them. Are we surrounded by them? well yes, and sometimes the percentage is increased and it is said that 2% or 3% of the population is a psychopath.
The basis of the psychopath
Garrido even highlighted to ABC that «There are no ‘psychopathic children’. The psychopathic personality is not consolidated until the age of 20. And for adolescents at risk of being so, there are effective treatments. Ferreiro, furthermore, points out that to the question of whether one is born or made, he answers that in the psychopath there is a genetic base that they say is 20 or 30%and the other 70% is environment. For example, if I have a tendency to gain weight, but then, if I take care of myself, that genetic base does not develop,” he says.
Image of a normal brain and that of a psychopath
The top part is a normal brain, and the bottom part is a psychopath’s brain, which not to be confused with a psychotic who is a person with mental problems, commonly known as crazy. While a psychopath is a cold, calculating person, without empathy. But in trials, the defense lawyer tries to make them out to be crazy or say, as has happened in the Pelicot case, that Dominique sHe suffered abuse and has a split personality.
The blue part of the photograph means that the prefrontal area is altered and does not feel guilt or morality for breaking another human being. In short, ““Evil exists and it must be verbalized so that people detect it.”. When they reach adults, Ferreiro believes that “they cannot learn through rewards or punishments, which means that there is no possible reintegration, they have no cure. In the United States it is very clear, in fact, cases of criminal psychopaths do not come out of jail.
If the psychopath is a family member, a child or a parent?
Ferreiro advises that if it is a family member you can have a schedule to htalk to them punctually or cut off relationships and distance yourselfbecause you have to protect yourself by establishing limits and end all attempts at manipulation. Garrido indicates that you have to make it clear to them that you are not going to give up on your goals, whether the psychopath is your husband, your father or your boss. He objective is to reaffirm your dignity and have a core of people who support you.
Garrido also emphasizes that family members do not see the obvious because they have bought the image, the cliché. “And the golden rule is to watch what he does, not what he says,” says Garrido in the podcast ‘The Wild Project’.
If he potential psychopath is your son It is easier to address it than for the opposite to be the case, and you detect that your parents are the psychopaths. In the case of detecting traits of psychopathy in a young person, it will be necessary to go to therapy, because the personality is still in formation, and clear rules will have to be established to reeducate their behavior.
And in the event that you have been one of their prey, they point out that it is very important to look for psychologists to help you. Remembering that the criminal psychopath is violent, but the integrated one does not have to be. What is clear is that they leave their victims with brutal post-traumatic stress disorder. “And then, having had psychopaths in your family, you are potential cannon fodder for other psychopaths, as a partner or at work, to approach you,” describes Ferreiro.
Garrido has even said: «We are stronger than the psychopath, because he is an incomplete human being». And Ferreiro urges us to be attentive to the signs. Because as the advice says, The devil is in the details.
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