The player of Sevilla FC Kike Salas He had to give a statement this Tuesday morning for an alleged crime of fraud. Specifically, the Police are investigating him for allegedly forcing yellow cards to be given to people around him to win money with sports betting. The conviction for fraud includes prison sentences of 6 months to 3 years. But what sporting sanction is Kike Salas exposed to?
That’s where sports regulations come into play. In this sense, the article 78 of the RFEF collects regarding participation in games and bets that “the participation of footballers, coaches, managers, referees and in general the people who are part of the federative organization in bets and/or games that have an economic content and these have a direct or indirectly with the party in question, will be considered a very serious infraction and will be imposed, in addition to the sanction of fine of 3,006 to 30,051 eurosone or more of the following sanctions«.
And among them, and those that affect the player, it would mean lose your footballer’s license for two to five years: “Disqualification from holding positions in the federative organization, or suspension or deprivation of license, for a period of two to five years.” In case of repeat offense could permanently lose the license: «Deprivation of license, definitively; Such type of sanction may only be imposed exceptionally for repeat offenses in very serious infractions. Measures that could only be applied whenever the player is finally accused of this betting crime by the National Police.
The investigation focuses on several matches in the final phase of the last league, when Sevilla no longer had anything to play for because they were virtually saved from relegation several days in advance, at which time the youth squad received seven yellow cards in nine games.
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