Today, Wednesday, January 1, 2025, the Christian Saints celebrate the Saint of Virgin Maryfollowed by other names that you can consult right here.
On January 1 we celebrate the holiness of the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus Christ. She was chosen by God to be the mother of our Savior, who, through her sacrifice on the cross, defeated sin and death. This festival, called the Solemnity of Saint Mary, remembers the dogma of the divine motherhood of Mary, proclaimed at the Council of Ephesus.
Today, Virgin Marythe Catholic Church celebrates the saint of Emanuel, Almaquio, Eugendo, Frodoberto, Fulgencio, José María Tomásí, Justin. On this Wednesday, January 1, 2025, it is known as Virgin Mary and they are the people who will be able to celebrate this day.
Roman Martyrology It is the name given to the list from which, today, all the names of the saints are obtained. This book is updated periodically, adding new saints after the canonizations carried out by the Vatican.
From ABC we put at your disposal the entire list of saints which are commemorated today on the occasion of this tradition so deeply rooted in the Christian faith and which makes the saints list so extensive.
Why do we celebrate saint’s day of each person? This tradition comes from the Catholic Church and commemorates the life of a relevant person within the Catholic religion who dedicated/gave his life to bring the Christian faith to people who needed it.
What saints are celebrated today, January 1?
Although today’s celebration is Virgin Marythe saints’ list is much larger so today their saints are also commemorated by Enmanuel, Almaquio, Eugendo, Frodoberto, Fulgencio, José María Tomásí, Justin. This is because today, January 1, is also the onomastics of:
José María Tomasí
© Library of Christian Authors (JL Repetto, All Saints. 2007)
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