Friday, February 14, 2025 Valentine Among other names that are celebrated today according to the Christian Santoral.
Valentine’s Day, Roman doctor and priest of the third century, he stood out during the reign of Emperor Claudio El Gothic for celebrating marriages between professional soldiers and their fiancee, despite the fact that this practice was prohibited. Upon learning of his actions, the emperor ordered his decapitation in the year 269.
On Friday, February 14, 2025, the Catholic Church celebrates the saint of Alejandra, Antonino, Auxencio, Cirilo, Eleucadio, Juan Bautista, Methodium, Nostrian, Vital de Spoleto, Zenón. Although today is known for Valentine and with which the Christian religion tributes people in Spain.
Today, Friday, February 14, 2025 there are many Santos and saints that are commemorated on the occasion of this Catholic tradition that is so intrinsic in our daily culture. Discover in ABC all the names of the Santoral that are celebrated just today.
What does it mean today to celebrate the Santoral? For hundreds of years the Catholic Church had one day in the calendar to remember the feast of each of the saints. In each of the 365 days that we find in a year we can remember the exemplary life of these Christians and whose testimony of faith reaches to this day.
The names of which Friday, February 14, 2025 commemorate their saint are obtained from Roman martyrology. This encyclopedia gathers and is updating new saints after their canonization. From time to time, the Vatican adds new names to the Roman martyrology And so the list is completed.
Santoral today February 14
In addition to the celebration of Valentinewhich we celebrate today, other onomastics are commemorated in the Catholic Church. This is due to the large number of saints who, over the centuries of history, have been gaining this distinction. For this reason today, February 14 we also celebrate:
Juan Bautista
Spoleto vital
© Library of Christian Authors (Jl Repetto, All Saints. 2007)
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