Almost certainly, We all know someone for whom taking a photograph is a real challenge.. In fact, it is a very unpleasant feeling, since They usually do not recognize themselves or look much worse than when they look in the mirror..
Although in most cases Spanish society links it to being -or not being- a photogenic personthe reality is very different: There is a psychological explanation for this fact.. More specifically, it is produced by the so-called ‘mere exposure effect‘.
“People tend to prefer what they see repeatedlyalthough we are used to seeing ourselves through mirrors, where our face is completely inverted,” the neuroscientist has openly and forcefully stated Matt Johnson.
Hence, when we look closely at ourselves in a photograph, it seems that we are observing a strange. Now, as this expert points out, The exact opposite can happen: the ‘self-interest bias’according to which the person presents a self-esteem which makes you look more attractive.
To take into account
As if that were not enough, the ‘cheerleader effect‘, for which we tend to find people in groups more attractive than when they appear in a solo selfie. In this way, when we see ourselves in a group image, the rest of the people who see it will probably judge it in clusteraveraging the attractiveness of each person.
In line with this, the psychotherapist Eloise Skinner advises practicing posing in photographs, because it is a skill that can be improved over time. Of course, it should be noted that a large number of factors influence when taking a photograph, such as the skills of the photographer, the characteristics of the device, the light, the place…
#means #hate #people #photos #psychology