Keeping the house clean and organized is a constant task that, on many occasions, can become exhausting. In the daily routine, it is common to leave certain tasks pending that, either for lack of time or simple carelessness, end up accumulating and generating a great mental burden. This postponement dynamic, based on the idea of ”I will do it tomorrow”, is progressively installed in our day to day and, without realizing it, can get away from our goals, affect our quality of life and even influence our emotional well -being.
And our home is much more than a physical space to live. “A messy home can be indicator of several things: that routines are missing, that there is inequality when distributing tasks, that there are high levels of stress, tiredness or even depression,” explains the influencer Patricia Fernández in her book Organize your home without dramas (Dome).
The OLÉ method, five steps for a permanent order
Once we are aware of this, we can apply the method created by the author, based on five key steps: organize, order, zero visual noise, clean and make team, whose initials give their own name to the technique.
The disorder can also arise due to the lack of organization systems, and in this case the solution proposed by the author is quite simple: it is about implementing certain methods and striving to maintain them. However obvious it may seem, that formula of maintaining everything in place is necessary to maintain a constant order. This first step is the most decisive of all and, in short, consists in making decisions about material possessions, answering a series of questions such as: What objects do not need? What can I give a new use? Or what is useful or makes me happy?
Fernández ensures that the key to maintaining order at home is to understand why disorder. In addition, he states that many times the main cause is the accumulation of objects and clothing we do not need. This practice not only harms the space where we live in our day to day but also our consumption habits based on impulsivity and lacking the necessary reflection that leads us to know what we really use and what we can do without. It is as simple as assigning a fixed place to objects that really have a purpose for our home.
Many times we tend to associate disorder to something purely tangible. The truth is that the first contact with a physical space is purely visual, which in turn can become peaceful or quite the opposite. The term refers to the overload of visual stimuli in a space, which can generate anxiety and difficulty of concentration. In an environment where we look for an atmosphere of calm and serenity, it is important, as recommended by the author, “minimize the number of elements in sight.” Given this, it also proposes the use of organizers and separators.
If we have followed the three previous steps, we will immediately realize that the cleaning task will become much simpler and faster. This efficiency also translates into avoiding personal wear and tear in constantly cleaning the same furniture or soils without achieving lasting results. Given this, the author raises several Tips that help to carry these tasks, but the one that highlights is the “two minutes rule”, which consists of dedicating to each cleaning task organization less than two minutes. In this way, we can “keep the disorder at bay in a fluid way and prevent tasks from accumulating.”
A final factor that, according to Patricia Fernández, can generate disorder is personal relationships and emotions. The problem of interpersonal dynamics within a home lies many times in the non -collaboration or bad distribution of tasks. In this case, the imbalance of responsibilities is equal to lack of control. For this, the solution it recommends is to create sincere and empathic communication, based on the understanding of what it means to collaborate based on the idea that it is the responsibility of all those who share the same roof maintain that environment in good condition.

Less is more
It is true that, like every routine, the most complicated thing is to maintain that constancy that it demands. Life is full of changes, and the ability to adapt is essential to face new stages without disorder taking over the environment. And this is when the premise of “less is more” that the author repeats makes more sense: “It is not about filling the house with objects, but about conserving what really makes us happy and contributes to our comfort.” In this sense, learning to let go is essential. Curs, selecting and detaching what we no longer use allows us to open space for the new, generating a feeling of renewal and lightness.
In addition to the physical order, there are elements that influence the atmosphere of the home, and light is one of them. Promoting natural lighting helps generate a sensation of greater warmth. Beyond the decoration, also the way we fill every corner with significant details and affection allows us to “make home.”
The order incorporated into our way of life
The OLé method is not only a strategy to keep the house in order, but also an invitation to adopt a way of life that helps us simplify, organize and seek balance in our day to day. The key is to apply these principles with constancy, but without rigidity, enjoying the process and making order a natural habit. Thus, every little achievement in this transformation deserves its own Olé!
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