Currently, Spain’s road network has a total of 165,473 kilometers as of December 31, 2023. In addition, it is made up of different types of roads, such as highways, national roads or local roads.
On the other hand, each type of road is managed by a different public administration, hence each one has a different nomenclature and color. In our country, there are roads whose owner is the Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility, others that are managed by the Autonomous Communities and finally, there are roads that are the responsibility of the Provincial Councils.
What roads are statewide?
These are the highways, highways and national roads that are managed directly by the Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility. In total, the State Highway Network (RCE) encompasses 26,473 km that collect 52.5% of the total traffic and 64.57% of heavy traffic, according to data from the Ministry of Transportation.
Besides, State highways are named with the letter A followed by a numberFor example, the A-1 refers to the Autovía del Norte, although they also have a different name when they are ring roads, such as the Z-40 in Zaragoza. In addition, within the RCE there are also highways with the name AP-x, and national roads with the abbreviation of Nx, such as the N-234 (Sagunto-Burgos)
What routes depend on the autonomous communities?

These are the roads that are managed by the CCAA, which can be conventional roads or highwaysin the event that the region has the powers assigned, as is the case of Catalonia, since it has high-capacity regional roads.
On the other hand, conventional roads are called differently depending on the community where we are, for example, In the case of Aragon there are three nomenclatures: the first is A, followed by a three-digit number that refers to the basic class and its color is orange; The next is A, followed by a number between 1,000 and 2,000 and they are regional type with green posts.
And finally, the roads with nomenclature A, followed by a number greater than 2,000 and which have yellow signs, since they are designated as local. According to data from the Ministry of Transportation, The regional network totals 71,145 km and supports 42% of the traffic.
What roads are the responsibility of the councils?
Are They are those managed by the provincial councils, Normally these roads are classified as conventional and in many cases they do not even have a delimiting line between the lanes.
Its nomenclature is usually the first or first two letters of the province, followed by a number. For example, in the Province of Teruel are called TE-x, and their sign is yellow.either. Finally, it should be noted that there are also urban highways managed by city councils, such as the M-30 in Madrid, although they are the exception.
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