Venus, the second planet from the Sun, is our closest planetary neighbor and stands out for being The brightest object in the night sky after the moon. Often called the “evil twin” of the earth due to its similar size and composition, Venus presents extremely hostile conditions.
The thick atmosphere of Venus catches heat causing a greenhouse effect, which results in extremely high surface temperatures. Under his persistent clouds, the landscape of Venus is dominated by deformed volcanoes and mountains. Unlike Earth, Venus has no moons.
Venus, the “Lucero of the afternoon”
Venus is known as the “Lucero del Alba”. This planet reflects sunlight with great intensity due to its atmosphere composed in its majority of carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid clouds, that act as a natural mirror.
Venus is the second planet closest to the sun and His orbit makes it visible just after sunset in the west or shortly before dawn in the east.
Although it is currently inhospitable, studies suggest that Venus could have had a liquid water ocean and habitable surface temperatures for up to 2,000 million years in its early history. However, mass volcanic events could have transformed the planet into the acid greenhouse that we observe today.
To deepen knowledge about Venus, NASA has planned missions like Veritaswhich will map the surface of the planet in high resolution, and Davinci, who will study his atmosphere. These missions, scheduled for the next decade, seek to clarify the geological and climatic evolution of Venus, as well as its last habitable potential?
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