Winter is one of the seasons of the year in which more difficulties arise to travel along the roads of Spain, due to the frequent Presence of adverse weather conditionslike rain, snow or fog. Therefore, drivers must adjust their driving to these circumstances.
For this reason, the Civil Guard and the General Directorate of Traffic with the aim of avoiding future problems to vehicles usually disseminate through their social networks about how to react and conduct safely if we meet them on the road. In addition, from the DGT they establish a Series of levels that mark the presence of snow On one way, and with it, they make convenient decisions.
What are the snow levels that exist?
Once begins to snow, The General Directorate of Traffic establishes the green levelin which the maximum speed allowed to 100 km/h on highways and 80 km/h on conventional roads is reduced, in addition the trucks will not be able to advance. The following notice is the yellow that is established when there is some snow on the road, at this point The DGT limits the speed to 60 km/Hy prohibits truck circulation.
Then the red level appears with the snow cover, where the speed is limited to 30 km/h, The use of specific chains or tires is mandatory and buses are no longer allowed to circulate. Finally, The black level is established in which circulation is prohibited of all vehicles to facilitate the passage of quittings.
Snow snow chains or tires?
First, it is important to note that specific winter tires They can serve as an alternative to conventional chains when conditions on certain roads force their use. This is valid as long as the tires have the acronym M+S (mud and snow) visible on their deck.
In addition, it has been shown that These winter tires offer significant improvements compared to the chains in terms of traction, braking distance, adhesion and control of the vehicle. Unlike chains, they do not generate the characteristic noise when circulating on the snow. Therefore, its assembly during the cold months of the year is strongly recommended.
How many chains are necessary for snow?
This number is established depending on the amount of motor wheels that a vehicle hasthat is, those that allow the car to move by putting a march and accelerating.
Therefore, the necessary minimum of chains is two for vehicles with two motor wheels, usually located in the front. Nevertheless, It is strongly recommended to install chains on all vehicle tires.
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