The Muface crisis enters its final stretch shrouded in doubts. Everything is now in the hands of the insurers. They are the ones who must present themselves, or not, to the new tender that Pilar Alegría announced in the round after the Council of Ministers after its approval. That report from the Ministry of Health in which its closure was put on the table is left behind, but doubts about what the fine print of the expected document will be like stops insurers from giving a quick affirmative response and freezes the uncertainty of mutual members.
Two dates in his head. All the details of this new tender will be known before the end of the year. On January 31, the healthcare concert as it is now with DKV, Asisa and Adeslas ends. While the Government sends a message of tranquillity to all mutualists who, they insist, will have their health care guaranteed under current conditions until the new contract is awarded, the insurers have not conveyed any intention to participate in this second tender.
For now it is known that the Government has given in, raising the premiums by 33.5% compared to 17% in the first negotiation, but extending the term from two to three years. Thus, the cost per year will be 1,303 million in 2025, 1,490 million in 2026, and 1,685 million in 2027. With this provision, the premium will increase by 19.37% in 2025; 7.25% in 2026, and 4.32% in 2027, with that accumulated increase in three years of 33.5%. The average premium per mutual member per year will go from 1,032 euros currently to 1,262 in 2027.
As a novelty in these documents, it is going to go from one linear to incremental premium depending on the age groupsso that more is paid to insure older groups, and less for younger ones. It was one of the demands of insurers a little over a month ago.
What will Asisa do?
Asisa has stated this Tuesday that he will study in depth “when they become public” the details of the new concert of muface. The health insurer recalls that “it has always had the will” to reach an agreement with the Administrationwhile adding that, in addition to financing, the agreement must contemplate “other imbalances” such as demographics, coverage and service offering, which “can only be assessed with detailed knowledge of the content of the concert.”
In any case, he adds, “we are convinced that the survival and stability of the administrative mutualism It is necessary for the correct functioning of the entire national health system, and it is the only alternative reference to the direct management model. Therefore, “it is essential to evaluate the possible alternatives and reforms that must be addressed to make public healthcare sustainable in our country,” he explains.
Adeslas’ position
In the case of Adeslastheir position is also to wait for the concert to be definitively published to “study in detail” the assumptions and decide their position. However, they go beyond Asisa’s positioning and remember that, despite the “effort” of the Government, the increase of 33.5% “is quite a few percentage points below the proposal” that Adeslas herself has conveyed to the Government. .
“It must be taken into account that the agreement presented by the Administration is for three years, when, from the first moment, we have reiterated that the new tender should be for a maximum of two years to avoid unforeseen events and unforeseen costs,” they say.
“We will study the proposalbut our position has always been that the agreement is sustainable to, at least, stop increasing the very harmful losses that we have suffered with this last agreement,” emphasized the insurer owned by Mutua and CaixaBank.
Why the Muface crisis broke out
The Muface healthcare tender was abandoned on November 5 when the insurers that provide the service (Adeslas, Asisa and DKV) considered that the 17% increase proposed by the Government was insufficient.
After this, the Executive opened a consultation as a prior step to the preparation of this new tender for a concert that expires on January 31.
Unions and other associations such as the Fedeca of senior officials have urged the Government to find a solution for Muface health care that covers 1.5 million holders, including officials and beneficiaries. “This is a three-year agreement with the purpose of guaranteeing health care for the covered group,” say Public Function.
In Muface, 65% are primary, secondary and university teachers and 17% belong to some bodies of the General State Administration.
Mobilizations of officials
From CSIF they also ask tranquillity before celebrating the new tender that they have demanded in rallies in the streets for more than a month. The new tender put on the table by Government is well received because it raises the premium pricewhich are no longer linear, but now it remains to be seen if the insurers show up. For now they only know that on January 31 their healthcare will end as they have it right now and since Muface has existed. They do not rule out new concentrations or even strikes.
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