Many people use honey as a home remedy for some ailments or to sweeten other foods but what would happen if we take it every day?
If we think of sweet foods, it is quite likely that one of the first to come to mind is the Honey. Viscosa, golden or amber, bright, unctuous and of a very characteristic flavor, this delicacy is popular in many types of kitchen, including the Spanish.
Its sweet flavor causes it to be added to preparations such as coffee, cookies, a bun or a yogurt. However, this flavor does not make it excluded from salty preparations because, precisely this contrast He is the one who brings the charm in many cases. Thus, surely you have ever eaten or seen a eggplant dish with honey or some wings with honey and mustard sauce.
Starting from the base that there are many different types of honey, to enjoy Its flavor and its benefits We must acquire good quality honey, since there are some that add sugar to their formula.
As indicated by a document on the honey of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, they differ between Flower honey and dew. The first is the one obtained from heather, linden, acacia, rosemary, fruit trees, etc. And dew of dew is the one that comes from fir, red or leaf fir.
In addition to being a food, for many honey has medicinal uses due to its compounds, according to the same source cited: «It is essentially a concentrated aqueous solution of invert sugar, which also contains a mixture of others Carbohydrates, various enzymes, amino acids, organic acids, minerals, aromatic substances, pigments, waxesetc”.
Thank you, take Every day a little honeywhenever we are not diabetic people, it can provide benefits such as reducing ‘bad’ cholesterol, reducing triglycerides, prevents the formation of blood clots, protects the heart from the oxidative extress, helps to heal burns, is antioxidant and,, In many cases, it helps relieve cough in colds, as well as soften the throat when it is irritated. In addition to all this, its effects on liver health stand out, that is, the liver:
How does honey affect liver?
Detaxing the body, storing vitamins and minerals or producing bile for digestion are some of the essential functions that the liver performs in our body, so its proper functioning is crucial to keep us healthy. Thus, honey intake helps keep it and protect it.
As? One of its greatest effects is its ability to reduce a key marker of the Non -alcoholic fatty liver disease EHGNAwhich is characterized that fat accumulates in liver cells, being one of the most common liver conditions in the world. In this way, honey Help decrease fat levels in the liverreducing the risk of ehgna or even slowing down the progression of this disease for those who already have it.
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