It is very common to ask ourselves if we have closed the house door a few minutes after having left. The same goes for cars, where actions more repeated In our country they are Question If we have left the lights on and if we have put the key to avoid theft.
Despite For many Spaniards and Spanish it is just a doubt that vanishes in secondsfor others it can become a real duel, that is, A problem that affects its day to day, regardless of its circumstances, and exhausts all its mental energy.
In depth
In fact, according to experts, this behavior could have An explanation in how our brain works And, in more extreme cases, be related to anxiety disorders such as obsessive compulsive disorder (TOC). Which has generated a certain debate In social networks.
Surprisingly, the psychologist Adam Radomsky has revealed in an investigation published in JOURNAL OF OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE AND RELATED DISORDERS That this need to check repeatedly if we have closed the door is closely linked To the fear of losing control.
More details
Apparently, individuals who fear losing control over all their actions tend to get involved in behaviors repetitive, such as verifying if a door is closed. This fear, without a doubt, generates a compulsion by review and control situations that are already under control.
“We have shown that all people who fear losing control have a greater tendency to get involved in control behaviors more frequently“Radomsky, co -author of the study has expressed bluntly.
To take into account
For those who only experience it sporadically, There is a simple trick to reduce that uncertainty: Pay attention full at the time of closing the door. Moreover, we can help ourselves to record a video to make sure or sign up on the mobile phone.
On the other hand, when it becomes a repetitive pattern that generates discomfort, it can be indicative of anxiety disorder. For example, people suffering from Toc They experience intrusive thoughts and feel a strong need to control their environment. There is recommended seek support from a professional.
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