High prices and low salaries. They are two factors that limit access to a new vehicle to much of young people in Spain. Although there is no fixed amount of money that you must allocate from your payroll to the purchase of a new car, since it depends on your personal financial situation, there are some general rules and advice that can help you make an informed decision.
Among them do not spend more in a car than you earn in a year, pay 20% of the price of the car as an entrance, finance the rest for four years, and not allocate more than 10% of your monthly income to the payment of the car.
It is also essential to consider what type of car you need (size, model, characteristics) and how much you can afford to spend, as well as make a detailed budget that includes all expenses related to the car (insurance, fuel, maintenance, taxes).
With all this information on the table, the price (with 50%), security (with 32%) and the cost of use (with 23%) are the priorities of young drivers (under 30) in ten European countries (Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Italy, Norway, Norther According to the ‘Europa de Auto de Automotión 2025’ prepared by the Cetelem Observatory.
Therefore, one in two respondents sees the price decisive at the time of wanting to buy a car. This fact influences that 59% of Europeans under 30 buy their first occasion car, compared to 41% that acquire it new, according to the Cetelem report.
In this regard, the differences between different countries are notable: in China, 92% of young people opt for a new car, and in Japan, 77%. Italy (59%) or Türkiye (55%) exceed 50%of young people who buy their first new car. On the contrary, in countries such as Poland (75%), Portugal and France (both, with 68%), second -hand cars clearly predominate.
The average price in Europe for the purchase of the first car is 13,985 euros, according to the study. Of the countries analyzed, the highest price occurs in China (21,518 euros), United States (19,360 euros) and Norway (19,552 euros).
Secondly, 32% of respondents study vehicle safety when acquiring one and third place, the cost of use receives 23% of the answers.
In other aspects, 17% of respondents see the brand and size of the car interesting, while 16% are fixed in the power and car performance.
In Spain they prefer a new car
In Spain, 56% of respondents choose to buy a new car when acquiring a vehicle. Similarly, our country is above the European average, with an average expenditure of 15,625 euros for the purchase of a second -hand vehicle.
On the other hand, security is an important factor for 42% of users in Spain, with 10 percentage points more than the European average. Also, users who choose a occasion car in Spain see the mileage as their fourth option, with 18%.
Spanish drivers value the brand and size of the car by 19%, while power and benefits are interesting for 21%.
Finally, the low interest stand out, only 12% of the mentions (17% in Spain), in terms of the environmental impact of combustion vehicles. Despite this, near half of young people believe that the car is the main cause of climate change.
50% of young people say that the electric car is more respectful of the environment and point to the car as the main source of pollution in cities.
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