International calls of unknown numbers have become one of the most popular ways to perform scams and extortion and get our personal and banking data. But the truth is that all calls of this type do not have to be dangerous, and to be able to differentiate the bad we must know what prefixes we should avoid.
The case of prefix +216 is one of those that should put us on alert, since in this last year there have been many complaints of victims that claim to have been scammed or extorted after having taken a call of an unknown telephone number that began with this prefix.
The truth is that today there are many threats that simply come from picking up our phone with a call from an unknown number, since as the inciber a few months ago, the simple gesture of constearing “yes” could trigger fraud in under your name.
Therefore, the most recommended with this type of call is to hang them and block them, and in today’s article we will explain how to do it.
Prefix +216: Where is it and how to block it
The prefix +216 is an international telephone code that he wishes several years ago already has the authorities on alert, and that is that the Civil Guard has several times as one to avoid.
This area code belongs to Tunisiaand as we said for several years users have denounced receiving insistent calls from unknown numbers that began so they later resulted in scams and extortion.
How to block these numbers
While it is true that not taking the calls we are already saving ourselves from this deception, The best thing we can do is block these numbers. For this there are several options being the first and simplest Block the specific number you just calledwe just have to click on him and our phone will give us the option.
The problem is that we are only blocking a number and the scammers could use many other numbers that we would have to block individually. In the event that you do not want to carry out this slow and tedious process, proof management apps and call blocking that are capable of identifying and filtering calls and detecting those that are potentially dangerous, some options are Call Blocker, Hiya or Call Id.
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