The grip of the heat does not seem to want to abandon our country which however could soon find itself divided in two with sun and floods
The grip of the heat that has been gripping Italy for some time now does not seem to want to loosen its grip. According to experts, this hostile climate will continue at least until the middle of the month. High temperatures and bright sunshine are expected for the day of Ferragosto. Let’s look in detail at the weather forecast for the next few days.
During this second weekend In August, thermometers rose to temperatures of 40 degrees in several Italian cities. The south and the center of our country are the territories most affected by this great heat. The African anticyclone that is investing our country does not seem to intend to calm its strength. Precisely because of this latter, temperatures in the next few days will reach really high values. Also for the days of August 15th Record temperatures and bright sunshine are expected.

The weather forecast for the day of August 15th
According to experts, the African anticyclone will persist over Italy also at the beginning of next week, but everything could change after mid-August. The most intense phase of the heat is expected between Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th August when temperatures could exceed 40°C in various areas of the country. However, everything could change after August 15th. According to meteorologists, there could be the first atmospheric release thanks to the arrival of more unstable and fresh flows from northern Europe.

If this were to happen, in several Italian regions, particularly the north and central-north, we could witness extreme weather events such as floods and violent hailstorms. These phenomena are due to the “clash” of different currents on one side the heat brought by the anticyclone, on the other side fresh and unstable currents. While waiting for rain and fresh winds coming from the north, the institutions invite citizens to pay close attention. It is essential to hydrate sufficiently and, when possible, avoid going out during the hottest hours.
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