Wanda Nara has published the certificate of the exact diagnosis of the disease she suffers from, chronic myelogenous leukemia
In the post with which Wanda Nara wanted to take stock at the end of the year, there is also the document containing and explaining the exact diagnosis of the disease he discovered he had last summer. The show girl suffers from Chronic Myeloid Leukemia: how it is discovered, how she is treated and how long she survives.
For the end of year celebrations, Wanda Nara, Mauro Icardi and their 5 children chose to spend a few relaxing days in Dubai.
A well-deserved holiday afterwards excellent results achieved in the workplace by the show girl and the footballer.
The first, as is known, in addition to having won several awards in Argentina, has triumphed also in the final in the Italian edition of dancing with the Stars.
He, Mauro Icardiwas named sportsman of the year in Turkey and, wearing the Galatasaray shirt, won the championship as protagonist.

In the post published by Wanda on the last day of the year, the beautiful model and presenter has summed up the year that he left behind, underlining all the successes and obviously also talking about the disease he was diagnosed with last July.
By October he had confirmed for the first timeresponding to a user's question on social media, to have the leukemia. News later confirmed also during his experience in the Rai talent program.
Wanda Nara's illness

In this case, however, he really wanted it go into detailpublishing the document issued by the doctor and the clinic treating you, which contains the exact diagnosis. The document reads:
We inform you that the patient Wanda Nara has been under observation at the Fundaleu (Institute in Argentina where she went for treatment, ed.) since July 2023 for chronic myloid leukemia with a satisfactory response to the treatment administered. She makes periodic visits to Argentina and Turkey to monitor the progress of the disease.
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia, as reported the AIRCis a disease that develops in the bone marrow, progresses slowly and can remain asymptomatic even for years in the initial phase.
Represents approx 15% of leukemia cases in general and affects two people out of 100 thousand, mostly people over 60 years old.
The origin of the disease is in almost all cases genetics and is treated mostly with tyrosine kinase inhibitors, which in some cases obtain curative results, in others maintenance.
In a case like that of Wanda Nara the survival it is currently above 90 percent 5 years after diagnosis of the chronic phase of the disease.
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