Volaris or Viva Aerobus: Which offers the cheapest flight from Los Angeles to Guadalajara

Although traveling is usually expensive, there are some airlines that offer lower prices. Such is the case of Volaris and Viva Aerobusbut What offers the cheapest flights to travel from Los Angeles to Guadalajara?

If you have an exciting trip from Los Angeles to Guadalajara in mind, we’ll help you unravel the price rivalry between two of the major airlines operating on this route: Volaris and Viva Aerobus.

Volaris is one of the leading airlines in Mexico known for offering affordable flights to both local and international travelers.

On the other hand, we have Viva Aerobus, which is also a Mexican airline that has earned the reputation of being one of the most economical options in the domestic aviation market.

Volaris or Viva Aerobus: Cheap flight Los Angeles – Guadalajara

Here at Debate we consult the prices of both airlines to help you choose What is the best option to travel from Los Angeles to Guadalajara, on a single flight.

Notably prices were consulted on September 25 to fly on October 25so they may vary depending on the date you select them and the promotions offered by the airlines.

On the one hand, Volaris offers flights from Los Angeles to Guadalajara with a price of $1451 Mexican pesosin its Zero rate, which offers to fly only with one personal item.

While in the Basic rate the cost is $1,881 pesos, but it allows you to travel with one personal item, plus one carry-on luggage.

Regarding the flight from Guadalajara to Los Angeles, the zero rate price is $2,290 and the Basic rate is $3,076, both already with the Airport Use Fee (TUA) of $1,174 included.

The prices for travel from Los Angeles to Guadalajara with Viva Aerobus go from $1484 on the zero rate that also allows you to travel only with your personal belongings. In the Light, $406 pesos are added, giving a total price of $1890.

If you take the flight from Guadalajara to Los Angeles, the cost is $1,541 plus $1,076 for the TUA, giving a result of $2,617 pesos in the Zero Rate. While the Light Rate increases by $424 pesos, that is, the flight in total costs $3041 pesos.

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