In a message broadcast through Telegram, The president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, expressed his condolences to Colombia and President Gustavo Petro for the tragic collapse in the department of Chocó, which currently leaves 39 people dead..
(Also: Moving images of the burial of those killed in the collapse on the Quibdó-Medellín road)
“Please accept deep condolences regarding the tragic consequences of the landslide that occurred in the department of Chocó,” reads Putin's message, dated January 16.
(You can read: The million-dollar lawsuits against the State for multiple deaths on the Quibdó-Medellín highway)
And he adds: “In Russia they share the sorrow of those who lost their families and neighbors as a result of this incident, and hope for the speedy recovery of all the victims.”
The death toll from the landslides that occurred last Friday on a highway near the town of El Carmen de Atrato, in the Colombian department of Chocó, rose to 39, as confirmed this Monday by the National Unit for Disaster Risk Management ( Ungrd).
(We recommend: The painful moment when a police patrolman recognizes the body of his wife in Chocó)
In Russia they share the sorrow of those who lost their families and neighbors as a result of this incident, and hope for the speedy recovery of all the victims.
“The National Unit for Disaster Risk Management (Ungrd) reports that, unfortunately, the number of deaths in the tragedy that occurred on the Quibdó – Medellín highway has increased to 39,” this state agency reported.
The Forensic Institute of Legal Medicine assured that it has received 35 fatalities, of which “33 have been reliably identified, and 23 have been handed over to their families”The organization detailed in a statement, in which it assured that it “continues in the technical-scientific work for the process of identification and delivery of the other victims.”
(You can read: Astrid Sánchez says that there is a lack of political will with Chocó after a tragic collapse)
There are 39 fatalities in this tragedy
Numar Córdoba – Chocó Governorate
The collapse occurred on Friday afternoon and buried several vehicles that were apparently stopped by an avalanche that previously blocked the highway between Medellín and Quibdó, the capital of Chocó, and a house where fifty people were sheltering from the rain. .
(Also: The dramatic images of the search for those missing due to the collapse in Chocó)
The emergency has also left about 20 injured and authorities are still searching for about a dozen people more that they are missing.
#Vladimir #Putin #expressed #condolences #Colombia #tragic #collapse #Chocó