real Madrid
“Decisions against Real Madrid have reached a level of manipulation and adulteration of the competition that can no longer be ignored,” says the letter sent to the president of the RFEF, with a copy to the CSD
Real Madrid has said enough. The White Club, after the arbitration suffered last Saturday in Cornellá, has sent a letter to the RFEF, with a copy to the CSD in which he asks for explanations for the performance of Muñiz Ruiz and asks for a completely regeneration of the arbitration estate.
“The Board of Directors of Real Madrid CF has agreed Letter, whose most relevant points are the following.
“The events that occurred in that meeting have exceeded any margin of human error or arbitration interpretation”
“Decisions against Real Madrid have reached a level of manipulation and adulteration of the competition that can no longer be ignored”
«This arbitration scandal is not an asylum case. The Spanish arbitration system is completely vitiated and structurally designed to protect itself »
“Evidding an action that transcends human errors to intentionality”
#hard #letter #Real #Madrid #arbitral #estate #Cornellá #scandal #isolated #case