In Austria, the conservative ÖVP, the Social Democratic SPÖ and the liberal Neos want to form the new government. He had the feeling that a little continued now and there is progress on the way to a coalition, said Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen after a meeting with the bosses of the three parties in the Vienna Hofburg.
After the parliamentary election in September, the first coalition talks between the ÖVP and SPÖ and the liberal Neos failed in January. This was followed by negotiations by the right FPÖ with the ÖVP, which also burst. In questions of foreign and security policy, the differences were too fundamental, and ÖVP and FPÖ could not agree on the distribution of the ministries. For some time now, talks have been going behind closed doors between the conservative and social democrats.
Federal President Van der Bellen had previously stated that there were four options on how to proceed. He spoke of new elections in a few months at the earliest in a few months, a minority government, an expert government or a coalition of the parties represented in the parliament.
The right -wing populist FPÖ with its boss Herbert Kickl had won the most votes in the election with almost 29 percent, before the ÖVP with 26.3 percent and the SPÖ with a good 21 percent. The NEOS accounted for 9.1 percent and 8.2 percent.
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