I know it’s a savage
Valentí Sanjuan (43) confesses:
“That’sing Verdeliss’s challenge has given me a healthy envy,” he tells me.
And for a moment, we talk about Verdeliss.
Verdels is Estefi Unzu and has eight children and 1.5 million followers on Instagram and also runs long distance tests: these days he has made seven marathons in seven days in a row on the seven continents.
What happens is that this project was worth a paste, and Verdels had disbursed $ 50,000 to enlist in the charter that, for a week, has taken several tens of influencers there.
“Do you imagine?” Run in Antarctica! Valentí Sanjuan tells me. If I envy Verdeliss it is because I don’t have that money. So I’ve ridden it my way.
In the number of followers, Valentí Sanjuan does not fall short: 1.1 million instagramers contemplate their steps. Among all its networks, including Tiktok and Twitch, adds some millions more. And to all those millions wants to narrate them, live, their adventures: on February 18, in Tokyo, it will run its first 42,195 km.
And then, quickly and running, it will go to a commercial plane (not a charter) towards Honolulu where, the next day, another 42,195 kms will run.
And the next day, to San Francisco.
And then, Johanesburg.
And finally, on February 22, to Barcelona.
– All the Barcelona who follow me I summon you on Saturday, February 22 to accompany me to the Arc of Triomf, where I plan to reach 5:00 p.m.
(I see him as Hamelin’s flutist).
The Jet Lag? I am a motivated. But sleeping in tourist is not a party: let’s see how I stretch my legs “
And there we have it: five marathons in five days on the five continents.
I wonder what most worries Valentí Sanjuan.
(If I had to run five marathons in five days I would be very worried).
Valentí Sanjuan posa for ‘La Vanguardia’ days ago in Barcelona
– What is the most worried?
(After all, this man has been the madman who has finished ten Ironman in ten days).
– Above everything, I am concerned about the connections with the airplanes. The scales, for example. That there are no delays or cancellations. If one fails, the castle will be disassembled. And riding it has not been easy.
– And where will it sleep?
–In airplanes. There are no hotels here. There is no time or budget. I also see myself sleeping in boarding rooms.
– And the Jet Lag?
– I am a motivated of life: the Jet Lag is the last of my problems. Well, I think so. Then we’ll see: I go up to the plane with a leg pain that I die and between that and the stress passed me a sleepless flight and the best paid later. Remember that traveling in tourists is not a party, that there is no way to stretch your legs …
Valentí Sanjuan tells me that the scenarios for which it will jog are random. He has studied them, but not too much.
In Tokyo it will run as close as possible to the airport because the window is narrow: from the landing to take away as soon as they mediate seven hours.
–In Honolulu, directly, I will run from the airport. When I pass the foreigner control I will cordon the Kiprun de Decathlon, I will give the chrono of my Samsung, cameras and go ahead. I will run to a volcano that is 21 kilometers and then, back to the output control to the plane.
I stop for a moment and observe you.
Valentí Sanjuan is Fine Filipino. He has defined legs and the cheerful spirit.
(Today has run 14 km to 4m30s a thousand).
Read too
–Prepare this challenge I have lost ten kilos in six months. I was a little abandoned. 2024 was one of the worst years of my life, do you know?
– What happened to you?
– Just a year I did not know what to do with the company, if closing it, entering payments and looking for life in other things, on the radio as I was fifteen years ago.
-What happened? – I insist.
– We had created a sportswear brand, Actitú, which was being plagiarized by several Chinese websites. They sold them to half of what it cost us to produce them … at one time, we had a hole of 280,000 euros. He suffered anxiety and depression. He didn’t sleep at night. All those who have passed around know what I am talking about. In the end, between Black Fridayys and Magi and discounts, we managed to liquidate almost the entire product, but by then it was not very fit, do you know? This challenge of the five marathons has returned the illusion: thanks to him, I think of other things.
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