The Councilor Transfuga and so far spokesman Vox Municipal Group of València, Juan Manuel Badenas, has appeared this Thursday to inform the situation in which he remains after the file of temporary suspension of militancy that opened the National Directorate of the Extreme Right Party for the alleged love of a contract of the València Activa Foundation that he directed as a councilor for Employment.
As advanced, Vox sent a letter to the municipal secretary of the Plenary on Tuesday, informing that neither he nor his partner and also formerly of the Ultra Formation are already part of the municipal group, so they should become non -assigned councilors, or what is the same, transfugas.
In this regard, Badenas has confirmed that he communicated to the party his voluntary decline as a militant on March 6 and has assured that he will not leave the councilor’s minutes and that he is now ready to speak already to reach agreements with all the members of the Corporation: “We will be applied to the rules of this City Council not being militants of any party and we will hold conversations with all the people of this corporation. All possibilities are open, the interest of Valencians is the most important, ”he said.
On the alleged mistress of the contract and the audios published by The ObjectiveBadenas has insisted that everything was a montage to destabilize the City Council. According to Badenas, “all specifications were written according to the law and the published is a assembly, the recordings are illicit and are part of the same assembly, they are partial, incomplete and taken from context.”
Councilor Traffic has denounced below that the disciplinary file that opened the party has nothing to do with this, but is justified “in the cessation of the head of the press of the municipal group”, Belén Bordils, which he approved at the end of February. The disciplinary file with the suspension of militancy opened, according to Badenas, on March 1, “less than 24 hours after becoming effective” and “it is said that through that cessation I challenge the authority of a person of the Executive.” The mayor has assured that he received complaints from the head of the press by some media.
“My discrepancies with Vox have been for several months for the theme of Valencia CF, among others. For my discrepancies and the harassment of two people from the National Directorate on March 6 I presented my voluntary leave as a militant. In addition, on March 10 I filed complaints before the guarantee committee against these people. I have no reason to leave the act, but I have reasons to ask for the resignation of some vox charges. They are two relevant people, I cannot reveal their identity at the moment, ”he said.
In this way, as this newspaper reported, the two councilors become non -attached, that is, transfugas, and the government team led by Mayor María José Catalá goes from having a majority of 17 councilors, to stay in a minority with 15 (13 of the PP and 2 of Vox). Compromís has 9 mayor and the PSPV with 7, so the left is with 16 representatives. This means that Badenas and Herrero will have the key to all the votes of the plenary.
Once the situation of the Vox Municipal Group is officially communicated to the Secretary of the Plenary, Catalá must decide whether it has the other two councilors of Vox, José Gosálbez and Mónica Gil, within their government team. Regardless of that, the first mayor will rule again as a minority as he did in the first months of the mandate, trying to reach specific agreements. The main stumbling block that would be the approval of municipal budgets can be saved by the extension of the currently in force.
This whole situation will be expected this week and will be formalized in the plenary of this month planned for March 25. To account for all the news within Vox and try to tie the Government Pact, for which they no longer have a majority, the National Directorate of Vox landed on Wednesday in Valencia, headed by the National Vice Secretary of Action of Government Vox, Montserrat Lluís. Abascal’s need to put order in the greatest fief they have to date.
#Valencias #Transfugas #Councilors #turn #Vox #fan #Badenas #denounces #positions #harassment